A new start!

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" Come on Nina we're going to be late for our flight! "

" I'm coming! ", I yell as I grab my bags, put Zena in her cage, then ran out the door to the taxi waiting. As soon as I shut the door we're off.

You see right now Zena and I are on our way to the Africa to escape our life and to start a new one as far away from California as possible! I've been dreaming about this for years! I'm 17 though so that's why I had to run away from my foster home.

As we pull up to the airport I pay the driver, grab my stuff ( and Zena ) and walk into the airport. Boarding the plane I couldn't help but smile. As we took off I started to think about what might happen in Africa. The only reason I get to go there is because I got a scholarship to Wildfire Academy, a school for spies. Yeah that's right, I said spies.

You must be thinking how can someone like me know about a school for spies. Well it happened when one day I was at the store and all of a sudden a guy in a mask came in holding a gun, pointed at the clerk and demanded all the money in the register. I felt bad for the clerk so I did something about.

When the robber wasn't looking I crept up behind him and kicked his legs out from under him, making him drop the gun and fall to the ground but not without pulling me down with him. I pray silently to myself thanking me that I took self defence, boxing, and marshal arts.

We rolled around a bit before getting back up. The guy tried to hit me but I easily dodged it. I hooked him in his jaw then kicked him HARD in the gut. I took his left arm, twisted it behind his back causing him to scream in pain. I pinned him down to the ground and at on top of him.

Thank god the clerk had already called the cops because I didn't know how much longer I could contain him. I stayed on him until the cops had him in cuffs. After that I went straight home and the next I found out that some kid had taken a video of the robbery and me beating his ass.

A few days after that I had a lady approach me and said these words to me, " I saw you on the news and I was very impressed with your skills. Have you...ever thought about being a spy? " So we talked a little longer and here we are now.I'm on a plane to Wildfire Academy in Africa.

I must of fallen asleep because the lady next to me wakes me up," We are here miss. Welcome to Africa."

I smile at her and thank her. She smiles back and exits the plane. I take a deep breath and ready myself for the life that awaits me once I step off the plane. Well, here we go!


Hope I did an ok job so far! Please comment and vote! If you have any ideas or opinions on the story so far I'm all ears. Thanks! : )

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