Chapter 3

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Today was a Monday, so of course everyone was going to be grouchy today. Even the three girls who were always wearing too much makeup were tired, and obviously had forgotten to do their hair. It was strange though, Rhiannon seemed happy in the middle of all this chaos.

Just another reason to have a huge crush on her I suppose.

As soon as I walked into my first class, I did a little skip, as I saw my friend from kindergarten sitting beside an empty seat. I instantly took it, and glanced over at him, with him acknowledging me. As the class dragged on, the teacher droning on about the quadratic formula, and how it mixes with graphs, I couldn't help but daydream about Rhiannon. Gosh, I would keep her in my arms for the whole day if I could.

"Jesse, is there something you'd like to tell the class?", the teacher, Ms. Nelson asks, with the whole class turning to me.

"Oh, nothing, ma'am", I stammer. As soon as the words leave my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say, because she started to say something, right as the bell rang. As soon as it did, I was outta there.

But so was the center for the football team.

Jacob, the center, and I, crammed right into the small doorway. "Move it, asshole!", he says to me, and slams an elbow into my chest, pushing past, and out.

It felt like I had just gotten run over by a steamroller. My insides were mush, and I felt sick. I had no idea what I was doing, but I could feel myself making my way down the hallway toward the exit of the school, just to get out of there for the day, when I black out, with a soft pair of hands laying on me.

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