Finding A Perfect Gift

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8.Finding A Perfect Gift

I know it's not Christmas but they are in winter in the story so. Deal with it. ^•^

Tomoe's POV:
Christmas. A time where humans give gifts to each other and eat so much they get fat.

Christmas Eve is today and yet I didn't get a single thing for Nanami. She's a girl... So what would she like?

I wonder if she already has my present. Oh I'm horrible. What can I get my lady and mistress?!

Mizuki has left to go to the red light district with Kurama and they will be gone for three whole days. Which leaves me and Nanami alone till he comes back.

I know just what I'm going to do.

Later On:

"Move it! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" Nanami yells.

She shoves and pushes people out of the way to get through this crowd. I guess she's getting really frustrated.

I guess taking her to town on a Christmas Eve was a bad idea. This place is so crowd that I can't have my own space. Too many late shoppers!

"Come on Tomoe! The town Christmas tree is up ahead!!" She pulls my arm.

"Okay okay. But remember to stay with me." I follow her through the crowd.

Way Later On:

"COME ON!! MOVE IT OR LOSE IT!" She pushes more people out of the way.

After seeing the tree and taking pictures we decided to go out for lunch but it was way too crowded in each restaurant.

So we did more sight seeing and its night by now which means dinner...

"Hold on a second! Nanami!" I look around in the crowd.

I lost her... Great.

"Tomoe?!" I hear her voice but I don't see her.

"Nanami!!" I push through the people with no luck.

Nanami's POV:
I guess I was walking too fast for Tomoe to keep up... Where is he?

I look around some more. Nothing, not a fox familiar to be found. I stop to take a breath near a shop that wasn't crowd.

"Where can he be?" I sigh looking inside the shop.

Of course nothing good... Nothing Tomoe will like.

I walk inside and look around in the displays. I look at each piece of jewelry then at scarfs. Maybe he would like a scarf? The one he has is kinda old.

I walk deeper into the store to find gloves and hats. Maybe he would want those? I grab a dark red scarf and look at it.

I'm going to buy this for Tomoe.

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