Our Wedding

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31.Our Wedding

{The pictures above is to show what is what. How the rings look, Nanami's dress, and Tomoe's tux. I know the picture isn't good but it's only to show^•^}

Nanami's POV:
It's the day of the wedding, Tomoe and I are going to become husband and wife after 5 months of planning and waiting.

Everything of course is not okay! I'm missing my flowers, my shoes don't fit, Mizuki hasn't brought in the cake yet and forgot all the food back in the shrine, I'm not even in my wedding dress yet, and worse of all nobody knows where the rings went!!

Only five hours left.

"Where are my flowers?! And these high heels aren't my size!" I start freaking out.

"Calm down Nanami, you can always wear my shoes." Ami hands me her heels.

"But it's a light gray, not white." I sigh.

"So what? You can barely tell the difference." Kei argues.

"Fine, I'll take them but how about everything else?" I panick again.

"Kurama will bring over the white roses, he's almost here. Numano is bringing some people to help you put on your dress." Ami checks her phone.

"How about the rings? Has anyone found them yet." I pout.

"No, we're still looking but you keep asking us questions!" Kei shouts.

"Well I'm worried okay, give me a break you guys!" I cry out.

Tomoe's POV:
Only four more hours left. I walk in place back and forth, waiting for the time to pass.

"Tomoe? Can I come in." My dressing room door opens and Mikage walks in.

"Mikage! Thank god I was so worried you weren't coming!" I embrace him into a hug and he chuckles.

"I think your more worried about the wedding." He hugs me back.

"Well of course I am, Nanami is panicking as well! The worst part is that I can't even see her until the wedding takes place, I want to talk to her and..." My voice trails off.

"But she's panicking because everything is going wrong. Your panicking because you want to see her. Two different things." Mikage pats my back and pulls away.

"What's going wrong?!" I panic.

"Just clear your mind, have a drink." He pushes me in a chair and holds out a shot of Sake.

"Your right... But can you do me one favor?" I take the glass from his hand.

"But of course, what is it?" He smiles.

Nanami's POV:
Only three more hours left. Kurama arrives and gives me my flowers and heads over to Tomoe's dressing room.

In a short while Mizuki finally gets here with the food and cake and he sets up everything. Kurama, Mizuki, and the shrine spirits also help in search of the rings.

A knock on my dressing room gets me out of my thoughts. Mikage comes walking in, closing the door behind him.

"Mikage!" I jump up and hug him.

"It's good to see you too Nanami." He hugs me then pulls away.

"What are you doing here, shouldn't you be with Tomoe?" I look at him.

 Love Me, For Me {Nanami X Tomoe Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now