Cracked Up Preview #1

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© September 7th 2013

You bringing Mason? Mason. Am I bringing Mason? I don’t want to. I don’t half to. I could leave quietly without him knowing.

“You never know. We might see her...  I could be wrong.” I look over and see Mason huddled over her dropped body. Caved to the floor in anguish. I squeeze the cellular device in my hand and let it go on the couch’s arm. I begin to grow more tension along my shoulder blades. They begin to rise at each step. My face felt heated, but I know I’ll half to bring him. Or Cray will coax me one way or another if I say or show up shadowless.

“Thanks for the reassurance…” They sat there for a few moments upon my arrival. I looked down at the two tangled messes. Both mentally intolerable. Both oblivious that I stand above them now. My perfect time to strike.

A smile strides itself across my mouth, “The two of you already hooking up? What..? It’s only been… Hmm, about three hours since we’ve met you?” I’m truly guessing how long she’s been here. I have no idea how long I’ve been napping. I didn’t bother to check the time. “Damn, you are too easy.”

The wench rose on her two feet. Sending Mason back a tad after releasing his grip from her back in full attempts to comfort or grope her. Looking at me with her furious, narrowed eyes. Trying to find something to smite me with. Her hands were bawled up towards me, but kept lying against her chest. She was only a couple inches shorter, but I still looked down at her, “What!?” Her voice was a lot deeper than I anticipated. “No! I am no-“

I blocked her off and focused on Mason. I had to get this out of the way first. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her, “Anyways, Mason. We still going to Rave’s par-taaaaah tonight?” I only sound awfully more excited to please Mason’s bewildered expression. Hopefully suppressing any further conversations on the wench. Oh, but wait. He cares about her health and wellbeing. He’ll stay... He’ll stay! Oh the sweet heavens, he’s out of my hair for tonight.

Cracked Up Preview #1Where stories live. Discover now