Faulty Bloodlines

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My unconscious body twitching as I yell breathlessly in my dream "ROSALINE GET OUT OF THERE, NOT THE CAR PLEASE" I begged "COME BACK...NONONO DON'T GO SIS PLEASE NO" I whispered as I stared into the lake, standing right where the car...fell, sunk into the river like the titanic when it hit the iceberg. My eyelids split open to reveal my stormy blue eyes I lift my sweaty body off my black covers panting uncontrollably as my eyeballs dash across my messy room begging to find her, to hear her giggle as she sings all the frozen songs pouting to guilt trap me into singing with her. Knowing I won't ever find her - my sister. A tear drop trails down my cheek as I hug Rosa's favourite teddy, Mr Snow. The moon was coming up out of a clear starry sky over the houses opposite from my pigsty of a room window. Dragging myself towards the only source of light in my room, the window I shivered a little as I open it the wind was like a flat blade of ice on my cheeks. Feeling like going on a walk I jump out my window, onto the wall then onto the road and then I find myself running towards the place I find peace.

Stumbling onto the bridge staring into the darkness with the reflection of the moon guiding my red watery eyes to where the police found her; where I saw the car being dragged out of the river as her lifeless body hung forwards leaned against the driver's seat. Only her body not his...not dads. A ripple within the river disturbed my nightmare as the smell of cheap beer and smoke filled my nostrils, a nosy gang of boys launched another empty bottle into the river. "Heyy what brings you to our crib" the first guy chirped stumbling over his own legs, "haha wanna swig" the short haired boy behind him offers leaning on the first guy holding out a bottle within a brown bag. "Naa im good, just here to clear my head" I drag out while placing my hand into my jean pocket slouching my shoulders a little. Stumbling he finds support on the side of the bridge, "Our beer not good enough for you? Why you gotta be so rude" he manages in slurred speech "Don't you know I'm human too" his friends sing badly swigging to the tune, laughing hysterically.

They start to stumble towards me, I walk backwards until the end of the bridge forces me to turn, I hear them giggle, footsteps pounding as they start chasing me, running like a group of hungry hyenas towards their prey, faster with every step. They sway sideways in an attempt to stay balanced in their drunken states. As I see a glimmer of hope reaching outside of the woods onto an abandoned road, someone launches themselves onto me pining me down like a deer being pounced on by a group of lions. They start force feeding me beer laughing at my struggle to get them off me. As their grip starts to loosen I take my chance, jumping onto my feet. My hands start to tremble as I reach into my back pocket. The sunrise lights the street a bright orange into a darker red as I pull out my pocketknife threatening their every move.

The alpha of the group stumbles towards me laughing at my attempt to run. My mind starts to wonder as thoughts start racing like a train on railway lines, I've never done this before, what do I do. My grip of the knife slips as my palms become sweaty; my forehead becomes shiny with sweat as though I've been sprayed with glitter as it glistens in the sunlight. The pack leader charges towards me, my body moves instinctively as I launch the knife into his lower abdomen unable to control my hands as I twist it sharply the blood gushing onto the pavement. Collapsing onto the floor, the young white male dashes his green pupils around, groaning as the pocketknife pierces through his skin. Letting go of his almost lifeless body, he grins. Confused as to why he is grinning I seem to crouch onto the pavement over his body. He whispers something, unable to make out what he is saying I move my face closer to his. "Like father like son, aaooohhhhhhhhh." he howls the groaning whilst the widest grin spreads across his face as his last breath leaves his body. Dumbfound, baffled as to what just took place I stare at his dead body, how did he know my father? What did he mean I was like him?

"Run" someone bellows across the empty street as the police siren seems to get louder, everything seems to slow down as I stare down at my blood stained hands. The street echoes as I hear something whisper "Filthy bloodlines" I throw my head into my hands as it starts exploding with emotions of pain, guilt, sorrow and love. Trembling as I stand, rapidly breathing I sprint into the woods back to the river. As I reach the bridge, I hear it again "Filthy bloodlines huh what does he know" .... "Dad....it that you" I whisper paralysed as the pain overtakes my body kneeling over onto the wet soil I hear another whisper "yes son don't fight it. It's in our bloodlines, it's our gift accept it" unable to see my reflection in the water I dab my hand to clear it; it can't be....how..."what the hell?" I whisper desperately as I stare into the muddy brown water as a stranger looks back at me, I hear my father "Josh my son, your gift has finally been awakened". The reflection in the river wasn't mine...it couldn't be mine. Bright yellow eyes stare back at me. "You're a werewolf" dad whispers "and so am I" he announces proudly appearing from within the woods his bright yellow eyes glaring at me.

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