Chapter 1

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You walk up the path to the Sidemen house, you are going to film a fifa video with JJ, ( ksi). When you get there you are greeted by Vikk, "YO!!!!!!!!" They all yell as you walk into the living room. "Waddup!?" You say as you sit down. Not noticing you sat on Tobi's phone. It starts ringing and you call out to Tobi. He doesn't answer, that's wierd for Tobi, as soon as he hears your name he usually comes running. "TOBES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You screem as you walk upstairs. You walk into his room, seeing that he left the door open, and he was fast asleep. "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww my heart" You wisper to Harry as he comes up behind you. "Wow." Harry says back. "Chloe!!!!!!!!!! Are we doing this video?!?" JJ asks running up the stairs, tripping over on the last one. "Y-y-y-yes" I manage to say between laughs. "Fuck you, bitch" JJ says jokingly as he laughs too.
"WHAT IS UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!! IT IS YA GURL CHLOE!!!!!!!! and today we are here with a special guest"- you do your retarded face" KSI!!!!!!!!" you do your intro to your fifa video. "Today we will be plying some fiiiiiiiiiiifa!!"
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- next day
You wake up in JJ's room in his bed, but he isn't there. You saw the laptop on your chest and realized the you had fallen asleep editing. You walk downstairs to see the boys all slumoed on the couch around JJ, who has fallen asleep. "Morning." Simon says as I walk down the stairs.
"Hi." You manage to say before you poor the coffee into your mug.
"Tobi and I were wondering if you wanted to-err-if- Tobi why don't you tell her?" Vikk says as if he was about to either laugh or cry. "Errrrrr. Well Chloe do spend alot of time here so we wanted to know if............................... if................... Do you wanna live with us!?!?" Tobi says just like Vikk did. "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! ME LIVE WITH YO-- WITH THE SIDEMEN!?!?!?!?!?!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!" I squealed waking JJ up, making everyone laugh. JJ jumped to his feet and grabed Ethan by the arm. "What the fuck!?!?" JJ said looking around the room seeing everyone laugh at him. Most of my stuff was already here so there wasn't much moving to do. JJ did all the clothes and that while the rest of the boys did the furniture and I was out with Ashley, Simons sister, (I Don't think he has one but yeah.) Once we got everything in my new room sorted I thanked the boys and gave them all hugs.

A/N: So that was my first Chapter please tell me if you like it, but, if you don't like me.......................... I dont care. Thank you. have a lovely day/night and I will upload tomorrow. Bye!!!!!!!

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