Chapter four.

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Selena's P.O.V.

Oh shit. My towel was off. I don't really know what Justin is but I do know he's not human at all. And I know that he's gonna go crazy. I looked at him and he was shaking. He was staring at my body and his eyes turned black. 

He started breathing erradicly. I gulped knowing that he was going to do something. He stood up and pinned me up against the wall, kissing my neck. Crap. I lightly moaned, making him suck more. Soon he began trailing kisses down my neck. I felt something sharp and I screamed a little bit.

I teared up. I'm gonna be raped. I'm going to die. The thought of never seeing anyone I knew made me scared. So I started crying. I've never cried this hard before. But could you blame me?

I shook in fear and tears came out of my eyes. I was whimpering and soon Justin stopped. I kept on whispering please don't hurt me and he looked at me.

I think he snapped out of it. After a minute or so he stopped and he hugged me tightly. "I will never hurt you." He said with his voice breaking a little. I didn't know what to do since he started crying too.

After a few moments later, he pulled back and closed his eyes. He gave me the towel and I quickly put it on, scurrying back to the room I woke up in. He gave me his shirt to wear. I gladly took it. Justin sat down and inhaled the air, smiling like he did before. "You have even more of my scent ." He said.

I nodded and looked down trying to come out of shock. What he did in the hall scared me. I just pray to god it never happens again. "Selena. Are you hungry?" He said in his raspy and relaxed voice.

"Sorta. I guess." I mumbled. He gave me a little smile and forced me to go with him to his kitchen. He gave me pancakes and bacon. I stared at the plate blankly. Why is he doing this? Why? 

"Eat." He said in a commanding voice. I quickly did and I finished the plate making him smile. After that he just watched me and didn't say anything. "You know.." I quietly said while breaking the silence. "Someone is going to come for me and save me." 

"You're mine Selena. You will always be mine." He said in a possessive tone. I just nodded and sighed. This freak is gonna have me here forever, isn't he? 

Justin turned on the tv to avoid more awkward silence. The news was on. It was just your boring average news. Looks like no one noticed I was gone. Not even mom or dad. Wow.. Justin was staring at the bottom of the screen where the weather and date was. 

I looked too and saw a symbol for the full moon. There's going to be a full moon tonight. I furrowed my brows and looked at Justin who seemed lost in thought. Full moon? "What's wrong with a full moon?" I blurted out.

Justin looked at me and looked down. "There's nothing wrong with it." He said. I just nodded but I didn't really believe him.

"Are you sure?.." I said quietly. He growled and snapped at me. "Look, it's none of your damn business!" He said angrily. I squeaked and nodded quickly. He was just so nice a few minutes ago..Wait. Why do I think this guy's nice?! He kidnapped me and tried to kidnap me. He's an animal.

Justin looked at me with soft but darkened eyes and he frowned. "I didn't mean to yell." He told me. I nodded and fake smiled but he could obviously tell it wasn't real. "Anyways..I wanna introduce you to my friends." He said. Oh God. I nodded and he grabbed my hand and yanked me towards the couch. "They should be over any minute." He said. But he didn't even call anyone or..

My thoughts were interruped by a doorbell. Justin opened the door and three guys stood there. Tall, muscular, and kinda hot guys. Justin let them in and they looked at me. "That's my girl." He said proudly. "Your girl?" I blurted out. He looked at me with a scary face. Man, I've gotta stop blurting things out. 

"Aye, I gotta show Ryan and Chaz something. I'll be right back." Jusfin said while leaving with two og the guys. One had short hair and one had long brown hair. They went away and left me awkwardly with a guy with brownish hair. "So..I'm Christian. Christian Beadles." He said while sitting next to me. I smiled shyly and waved. He looked me up and down and licked his lips. "Damn. Justin did good.." He said. I widened my eyes as he stood up and grabbed my arm. He then touched my ass and grabbed it hard, making me gasp. "You got a nice ass. Too bad you're Justin's." He whispered. What's this asshole doing?! Why is he touching me? I-I don't even know him!

Soon after, he grabbed my breasts and I screamed loudly. He put his hand over my mouth but we were both interrupted by a loud snarl. "SELENA." Justin said in a growl like tone. He tackled Christian and punched him into the wall. Ryan and Chaz had to hold him back and Christian just widened his eyes and got up. "I'm sorry I-I don't know what got into me!" He yelled, trying to make Justin understand. I was speechless. I was just sexually harrassed and..and..

"MINE" Justin said in a deeper, scarier, voice. Christian ran away, making Justin struggle more and I backed away from Justin. "Selena, don't make a sound or even move." Chaz said. I stopped moving and stood still, closing my eyes. "No!" Ryan yelled out before a giant growl filled the air. I peeked and Justin was on the floor, being dragged my Ryan and Chaz and he was reaching out for me. He was clawing at the floor with only pure lust on his face. I shook in fear and ran upstairs, panicking. What the hell is happening? Justin's eyes were darker than the color black itself. If that was even possible. I ran into the bathroom and locked the doors. Sure, I could have escaped and try to go home but Justin scared me so much. I started crying and covered my face. Justin's "friend" tried to rape me and Justin just.. I don't even fucking know. I'm terrified right now and I don't know what to do.

Maybe an hour passed but I stayed in the bathroom, scared out of my mind. I heard soft knocking and I jumped up, scared. "Selena?" I heard. It was Chaz, I think. I opened the door carefully and saw it was him. "It's okay now.." He smiled at me. I frowned and nodded and went out. We quietly went into Justin's room and saw him on his bed, sleeping facedown. Ryan was watching him to make sure he wouldn't snap again I think. Chaz took me to the kitchen and I ran my fingers through my hair, still afraid. "Look..Justin doesn't wanna hurt you. He likes you a lot." He said. "B-But.." I replied. "He.." Chaz interrupted me. "I can't say much Selena. But Justin needs you. And us three will make sure Christian doesn't go near you again." He said confidently. I nodded, kinda trusting him. He smiled and took me into Justin's room where he was still sleeping. I looked at him and smiled lightly. He looked so cute. I blushed and Chaz and Ryan smirked. Justin stirred in his sleep and said some things quietly. "S-selena.." He mumbled. I tilted my head and he opened his eyes. He looked confused and he looked around. "Guys..?" He asked. Ryan and Chaz were already gone by the time he woke up. Woah. Justin saw me and smiled widely. "Aye." He said, rubbing his eyes. I don't think he remembers anything. But I won't say anything. "Hey.." I whispered..

He made me sit on his lap and he kissed my cheek. I looked outside and it was nighttime already. The moon looked nice. But Justin stared at it and he looked scared. Uh oh. "Justin..?" I asked, scared.

He looked at me, turning his head slowly, and his eyes glowed bright red. "Selena.." He said with his voice raspy and low. Tonight is going to be hell, isn't it..

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