How much did she hear!?!?

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AN btw there will b more action in this story than love... well wot im sayin is there wont be any sexual content, looking-into-each-others-eyes content, etc... it will be like major problems caused by the friends, arguments, revelations, stuff like that. Oh yea, one more thing... this is a very interesting chapter. Dont mean to boast... Also, I insult myself. In james pov, he calls Lily a moody ginger. im a ginger x ;)

James POV

'So,' Lily said in a dangerous voice.

She was glowering at me. She obviously hadnt heard Lupins confession. But she'd seen me and Snape fighting.

'I ask you to be nice and its like I'm asking you to-I don't know, throw yourself off a pier, or rob Gringotts, or walk over hot coals,' Lily shrieked. I saw betrayal in her eyes and hung my head.

She stepped forward and slapped me across the cheek, then marched up to the castle. Everyone else left too, except Remus. 'I am so sorry, I caused all of this,' he apologized. 'You can have her,' I spat bitterly. 'Shes a goddamn moody ginger!'

Remus looked shocked. I suddenly realized what Id said, and for once I became the possessive best friend. 'Well, I mean obviously you cant have her, shes MY girlfriend,' I put in, eating my own words. Remus nodded sympathetically at me and left.

Remus pov

i left james to his thoughts and sneaked off to the slytherin common room. It asked for the password, so i guessed, 'slytherins are best,' and it swung open. As I had hoped, it was empty except snape.

'What do you want?' Snape snapped.

'I need to talk to you,' I told him. 'Lily doesnt like you anymore does she? After you called her a mudblood?'

Not bothering to ask me how I knew this, snape shook his head. 'Do you want to team up against James?'

Snape nodded with a sly smile. 'Yea,' I added, ' you can gain her friendship and hopefully, I will gain her love,' I told him.

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