Welcome to my world

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Waking up at the crack ass of dawn is not pleasant. I am so tired and the thought of me going to a place full of angsty teenagers did not appeal to me in any way. I grudgingly rolled out of my bed and headed towards the bathroom. I tried turning the knob and it was locked. Of course it would be, what else should I have expected. A person to beat my brother to the bathroom would have to be faster than a cheetah. Ugh, I just went to the kitchen instead and waited forever. Sure, I could have done so many things while waiting for the golden ticket but instead I chose to sit there and stare at a white wall. It was so bland that it made me think that that was it's most fascinating feature.
I heard a click and trudging feet and knew that that was my signal to go, but my feet were so lazy that my speed was slower than a sloth's. I heard more feet scuffling around and then a loud bang. By the time I got to the bathroom 10 mins had passed. I tried to open the door again only to find out it was still locked. My luck really. Back to square one of waiting. I slid against the wall and sat on the floor. After another how many minutes had passed my younger sister peaks her head through the bathroom door.
"Umm... I need help?" she looked at me pleadingly. The moment she caught me was when I was banging my head against the wall. I let it naturally droop and looked at her with one of my most monotonous looks.
"What?" I muttered. My mouth felt uber heavy and did not have the energy to fully talk. She kept staring at me with a confused look on her face. "What? I didn't hear you." She finally replied. By this time I had grown impatient and out of nowhere, I yelled "I said WHAT? What is it? What is soooo important that you have to share with me and waste my time!" She seemed pretty shocked at me and got really upset. "I don't need that attitude." She snapped back at me. I simply did not give a shit. I was tired and it was early. I would not be rainbows and sunshine. "What is it?" I said more calmly this time. She scrunched up her nose, giving me a disapproving look and with a snappy tone said "Just give some toilet paper." Before I could say an ok, she quickly closed the door and went back into the black hole of time. I crawled my way to the storage area and got her goods and came back to give it to her.

After 3 decades, I was finally able to get ready to go to school and enjoy my scholastic studies. I was really pumped to get an education like every other normal day (hint sarcasm). I arrived at school and I dragged myself through the halls. I see a couple of friends here and there saying an occasional "Good Morning." So.much.fun.

I felt a bump on my shoulder and turned around and saw Sarah.

"Omg, you look like you are having so much fun. I think I saw one side of your mouth quirk up."

"Yeah, maybe with the thought of killing myself." She busted out laughing. I just stared at her and gave her a serious look. After a couple of seconds, her smile made me smile. I loved having her as my best friend. I linked my arm into hers and we just talked about what this amazing day will have for us.

The bell rang, signaling students to run to class or tardies would be relentlessly given. I rolled my eyes at the over exaggerated rules. I took my sweet time and Sarah was glaring my way.

"Hurry up! We can't be strolling around. You gotta hurry!"

"Ugh. No. I'm too old and tired to be running around. Can't you hear my bones creaking?"

"Don't care. I am not getting detention because of you. Now hurry up or I will leave you behind." And with that my speed increased by .000001%.

Safe to say that we made it to class on time. Bad news was that we had a sub. And it wasn't the cool kinds where they just stared at you pretending that they had control or just straight out did not care. No. It just had to be the one that is old and can't relate to any of the 'youngsters' and they are so confused, strict, and pretend to know what they are doing. Let me tell you something, no SUB knows what it's doing. Sarah sat all the way up front to make sure she got those good grades, while I sat towards the back considering I was a bit late to catch a seat in the middle. I could clearly see the popular group in one huddle and then the overachievers in a different one. The nerds and the geeks were separate because they never get along with each other. Of course you had a couple of the druggies but there is at least one in each group. I just sat back and let whoever be my friend. I looked around my seating area and noticed that there was this guy next me and on the other side there was nobody. It was a peaceful area where I could do anything I wanted without getting noticed. 

The sub explained what we were to do today and I started doing the work and finished it really early. I was still feeling tired and decided to take a nap. My head laid against the cool hard desk and I started dozing off until my eyes felt heavy enough to fall asleep. Unfortunately I never got to the sleeping stage because the sub decided to walk towards the back of the class and start nudging me.

"Ms. are you ok? Do you need to go to the nurse?" he asked politely. Like I mentioned before I am NOT a happy camper when I am disturbed from my sleep. I mumbled a "Yes, sir." and went back to my previous engagement of sleeping. I heard a light laughter coming from his direction. Was my sleep deprivation that funny? I am glad somebody is happy from it cause honestly I was not!

"I presume you had a long night. I remember when I was your age that blah blah blah..." He went on and on about his youngin' days. I literally wanted to just SLEEP! If this was his way to keep me awake, he succeeded. I did not want to seem rude and fall asleep on his little life story but I really was getting annoyed. I don't know how it happened but from memory lane we turned onto current events street,  where he thought it was a good idea to just spill out how his current life is. But it gets better, where I did not give 2 shits of what he was telling me, he decided to tell me his issues. No legit. I heard about his son's financial strains because of the hospital bills and how he feels that his son should have become something greater and ect. ect. ect. Here I was sitting, listening to this wrinkly old man's story, wanting to sleep and I am becoming more and more tired. I felt my energy within me being sucked away into his energy force and making him feel more comfortable and happy like he was being soothed by his troubles. This was great for me because then he would just leave me alone quicker and I would still feel like I have some energy left within me. But the funny thing of this whole situation was that he told his whole life story to an 18 year old girl like I had the answers hidden up under my sleeve. But it's fine. A little alone time and a lot of sleep would help me get through my everyday life, it's just right at this moment I feel annoyed.

Yet again after 18 years of my life, I should have gotten used to this feeling yet again I am not, because everytime a troubled person comes near me a part of me disappears.

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