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The rain poured endlessly down upon the little car braving the storm. In it were two people, Mr. and Mrs. Price. The man, perhaps in his early-twenties, pulled into a parking spot and opened the door for his very pregnant wife. Pulling up her hood he ushered her inside. Ah, the joy of being indoors on a rainy day! The receptionist smiled up at the young couple, apologetically informing them that Mrs. Price's doctor was out on call. Another doctor could see them shortly though. The pale, smiling doctor, whom Mrs. Price had never seen before in her life, informed the scared mother-to-be that she needed an injection. It only took a moment. The shot that was given to her was not put on record. She never saw the doctor again.

A few months later, on February 3rd, a healthy baby girl was born. They named her Ellistia.

Part one:

"Ellie, come on! The van will be here in a moment!"

"Good. Then he'll be gone." But I ungraciously stomp over anyway. "Have fun in your warzone Dad. Next time try and actually tell us where you're going. Have fun dying." Scowling I turn away. Not quickly enough to miss his face though. Dads eyebrows are all scrunched up like they are when he's sad. The normally laughing eyes were downcast. He was hurt. By me.

It was Dads choice to become a Chaplin for the Military. Dads choice to leave us. Six months away. Six whole months away. Spinning around I run to say goodbye. To apologize for being a jerk. To say that I love him, that I'll miss him, to beg him to stay. But all that's left is a trail of dust.

He's gone, going off to a horrible place, thinking I hate him.

"Ellie, lets go inside. We've got to unpack, you're starting school tomorrow." My mom guides me towards the house. The sounds of the van leaving is in my ears. The look on my father's face is burned into my eyelids. Salty tears sting my cheeks. I go on autopilot as I unpack for the seventh time in thirteen years.

Part two:

"Good morning class. Today we have a new student, Ellistia Price." The teacher smiles and beckons me to the front. I give the class a forced grin, "Hi, I'm Ellie. It's nice to meet you." The kids all stare up at me. Must not get many new kids here.

 "Ellie, would you like to tell us a little about yourself?" The teacher asks.

"Sure.  I'm thirteen and I've just moved here from the U.K. My dad's a Chaplin for the Military. Um, yeah." I quickly head back to my seat, face burning. That never gets easier.

The day drags on till lunch. "Hey! You're the new girl, right? Would you like to come eat lunch with us?" A pretty girl with brown hair and green eyes asks me. "No thanks." I declare.

"Oh, ok. Well if you change your mind I'll be over there." She looks disappointed and walks off. 

I sit quietly down at an empty table and pull on my head-phones, looking forward to twenty minutes of ignoring everyone. Unfortunately for me, someone starts poking my arm almost immediately. "What?" I growl, trying not to get to angry at the offender.

"I'm Jay. It nice to meet you." A short, slim, rather pale boy introduces himself. His eyes are a penetrating leafy green partly covered by his floppy bleached blond hair. Barely sparing him a second glance I turn away. "Geeze girl!" He mutters, pulling off my head phones. Let me repeat, HE PULLED OFF MY HEAD PHONES!

"What's wrong with you? Are you dumb? Oh my gosh, can't I just listen to my music for twenty minute?" I screech.


I blink, "Excuse me?"

"No, you cannot listen to your music for twenty minutes. You're going to go talk to someone." My eyebrows are practically off my head by now.

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