Wished I Stayed

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"Hey it's marinette. I just wanna ask a question, why do you really want to leave Paris? Aside from having business back at your home, why?" She asked. I began typing to reply to marinette but mid type the flight crew said there taking off and to turn off your mobile data. I herd the signals your phone and cellar tower interfere with the plane and radio stations at air ports. So I held off replying till I got back to Texas. I fell asleep looking at the clouds.
Waking up to a flight attendant, I got my bags and left the air port and got a taxi to the nearest bus stop. I payed the driver and wished him a good day. Waiting as the bus stop, i saw a police car pull up next to the bus stop. Figuring he was just parking and taking a break, I didn't pay much attention to him. But until he was walking to me was when I started to painic. "You Sapphire BlueCrystal?" He asked using my full name. I nodded. "I was sent to tell you some bad news." He said before sitting down next to me. "While you were away your parents were murdered, by a masked man. We are still trying to identify the man, but so far no clues." He said. I starred at him. Was this a joke? "I'm needing you to come with me." He said taking my suitcases. "Alright." I shrugged. If what he said was tru-, wait. Did he show ID? "Officer, can I see some identification? So I know your not some guy dressed as a officer?" I asked. He chuckled and pulled out his badge. I took a good look before nodding at him and following him in his car. On the way too the local police station he glanced at my bag. "So you know about ladybug and cat noir?" He asked parking his car. Getting the stuff out the trunk, I said "I even met them." I told him. Getting inside he gave me a pass to most of the rooms. "In a few days were gonna put you up for adoption." I nodded. "Mom.....Dad....." I said glancing at the one of my suitcases. I pulled out a picture we took together before my big brother went out of state for college. A tear fell on the glass frame.

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