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A week after Queen Jamila's Death.

Henry POV

I laid on the navy throne. To be honest it felt good to be King of Sarton. Thank almighty that Kilmara and my army were strong enough to overtake the throne. I tapped my fingers and enjoyed the weight of the crown on my head. 

'Sire, Lady Anne,' Sir Formeal said as he pushed my sister before me. Anne was still wearing her indigo dress. Her dark hair was no longer in the neat braid, 

'Well well sister, what could I have said? You should have claimed the throne instantly when Mother died.' I sarcastically yelled.

'What have you done to Father?' She replied angrily. I hopped off my throne and waltzed down to my dear sister and placed a finger on her lips telling her to shush.

'Well I couldn't have been King if there was already a King, so I sent dear old daddy into the prison tower where he will remain there for the rest of his life.' I boasted. 

'Why have you done this?' She exclaimed. I saw the court whisper and i rolled my eyes. 

'You were always told that you would rule just because you are female. I deserve my throne because I am physically and mentally stronger then you. Sarton doesn't deserve a weak ruler like you.' I replied. Then I chuckled, 'But you are a risk to my crown so dear sister. By the holy powers invested in me, I King Henry order you Lady Anne to be burnt at the stake at sunrise, for plotting against the crown.' 

'You have no right to do this! I am the rightful heir to the throne. You cannot do this!' She yelled as the New Royal Guards carried her off to the dungeons. I walked back to my throne and looked at all of the court,

'Let this be a lesson, if you every plan to venture close to the crown. You will be punsihed.' I said harshly. The court bowed and then exited the room.


Lady Anne POV

As I was told that I was to be burnt at the stake tommorros my heart dropped and my head turned to the right corner of the throne room. Edward was standing there in his cream royal jacket, his face gave no emotion but I could see in his grey green eyes : anger, confusion, hatred and sadness. The New Royal Guards carried me of to the rat infested dungeons. Where the adjacent cells were filled with murderers. 

I sighed and crawled onto the straw bed and leaned onto the stone cold wall. I looked above into the skylight, the light that I craved for the last week.


Sir Edwards POV

'Father you cannot let this happen!' I argued as I bursted through the Cardnell Quarters. My father stormed in behind me and then slammed the doors. 

'Do not say such thing here! Especially now!' Father yelled.

'But Father, Anne, I mean Lady Anne is a close friend of mine let alone my betrothed. You can't simply watch a 14 year old girl be sentenced to death just because her brother is insecure!' 

'Edward, the King has made his decision and you must respect that and you are not betrothed to her anymore. King Henry broke the contract.' 

'Please Father, I can't watch her die. Please, she has always been in my heart and this is unfair to her. As you son I beg of you to help her live.' I pleaded.

'I'm sorry Edward. Truly but I cannot risk the safety of our family and Cardenell for the sake of your infatuation.' Father said coldy. I looked at him at shock and he walked into his quarters. I was left standing by my self in the open room. 

'Jeremy, prepare two horses, an extra cape and food supplies by the tenth hour,' I ordered.

'Yes my lord, where will I meet you?' he asked.

' At Greofu Road.' I replied and then walked off into my quarters.

I grabbed my supplies bag and put two shirts, a pair of trousers and boots. Then switched my royal jacket for the dark green riding jack. I tied my sword belt around my waist and placed a emerald cape around me.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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