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Year 2621

I stopped for a moment under the streetlamp to catch my breath. This was my last run of the day, but all in all, today had been pretty uneventful. There were very few clients wanting a Runner, so I had time to stop and chat with a few of the older crowd. As soon as I got this message to Tam Evans, I would be free to meet Seera at the pub. I was also waiting for a private message from TOP. But as of yet, nothing. I sighed and stretched my shoulders before I set back into my easy, yet fast, pace, heading down the street.

As I ran, I contemplated my job. I was a Runner, which meant it was my job to keep my mouth shut and run fast, as well as know the Underground like the back of my hand. I've worked my way up in the ranks the past four years, and have gained a pretty fair reputation with my clients. They trust me to be able to deliver vocal messages swiftly and quietly. I receive a lot of information that could be easily used against our cause, so even the smallest slip-up could cost me my job and possibly my freedom.

I slowed to a stop at Tam's door and tapped lightly on the glass square at the top. His eye appeared in it briefly, before it moved away and I heard chains rattle against the door. Tam was probably one of the most cautious members of our organization, and I chuckled a bit at the thought of how many precautions he took to keep his home safe.

"Hurry up, Neios, c'mon, get inside."

"Calm yourself, Tam, I wasn't followed." I watched his twitchy little figure as he hurriedly closed and locked the door behind me.

"Well?" he stuttered, "What's the news?"

"TOP has led another strike overground, took a group of about 150. No word on if they're back yet, but we should be getting some soon. And if I hear anything about your daughter, I will personally take the time to get that info to you. Annora led a sub-group up there, but she and her battalion came back down rather quickly, so she'll be home soon. Oh, and Seera told me you ordered a new book. Is this it?"

Tam's face widened into a big grin as I pulled a thick hard-backed book out of my knapsack. I knew that it was the right book, because I bought him one every week. He's probably read 90% of the library in the four years I've been here. Our Scavengers (mainly Seera) have been making sure to find a new book every time the go up to the surface. He loves them, and since they were all but banned up above, it'd been hard for him to indulge in his passion before joining REMUS.

I gave him a small wave before he got absorbed in his book and exited the premises. Out on the street, I took out my tablet and checked my name to Offline on my work page. No more clients today. Once again I set into my easy lope and headed towards the middle of town.

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