Random story thing

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Don't mind me! I'm just writing a short Undertale story! I have not yet finished the game in pacifist, and this story takes place two days before Asriel finds Chara, so if I got anything wrong, just tell me in the comments section! Most of the info I got from #Sabertoothpaste so pls follow. 

Dasana fell for what seemed like hours, but was most likely only a minute. She closed her eyes and tried not to flail too much, but it was fruitless. The wind snatched at her limbs and splayed them out until Dasana fell like a flower, limbs spread. The ground loomed even closer until...

"Not fit to be a Keeper...haven't even found a single human..." Elumina  grumbled, kicking at the dirt in front of her. The Head Keeper's words echoed sharply in her head, turning her inside out and upside-down. What was she supposed to do, banished in the Ruins like she was? Weave daisy chains? If only she could find a goddamn human...suddenly, something flew past her and landing with a WHUMP on the flowers beside her. 

Elumina jumped back, startled out of her wits. A crumpled form lay on the flowers, not moving. She crept over to it, poking curiously at the limp form. It made a groaning sound and opened an eye. A HUMAN. WHAT. Elumina stared at the human as it unfolded and stood up unsteadily, blinking. "H-how am I still alive?" It asked in a bewildered voice. 

Elumina smiled. "The flowers must have broken your fall,"she said, as was customary. The human moaned and put her head in her hands. "What's your name, human?" Elumina said gently.  The human looked up at her. "Wait...you're not. Human, I mean." She peered at Elumina. "What are you? Are you a monster? My name's Dasana. And yours?" The words came out in a frenzied rush. 

Elumina blinked, startled. "My name's Elumina. I-I...yes. I am a monster." Of course. Elumina rubbed her horns ruefully. Dasana blinked back, looking equally startled. "Oh. Ok. But monsters are a myth, aren't they?" She glanced up at the tiny dot that was the hole she had come through. 

I'm really lazy so this is all I'm writing right now lol

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