*First Doctor Quotes*
"What's that my boy?"
"Good Gracious, me!"
"Come along!"
"Oh yes, yes, yes, yes!"
*Second Doctor Quotes*
"When I say run, run. ... RUN!"
"Oh my giddy aunt!"
"I don't like it."
"Oh my word!"
*Third Doctor Quotes*
"Oh good grief!"
"Reverse the polarity."
*Fourth Doctor Quotes*
"Would you like a Jelly baby?" (My Favorite Quote of all)
"Come on!"
"You're standing on my scarf."
"Are you listing to me?"
"Take me to your leader."
"Shut up K-9!"
*Fifth Doctor Quotes*
"Brave heart, Tegan."
"Sorry, must dash!"
*Sixth Doctor Quotes*
(He didn't really have any.)
*Seventh Doctor Quotes*
(He didn't have any either)
*Eighth Doctor Quotes*
(Him too)
*Ninth Doctor Quotes*
*Tenth Doctor Quotes*
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Oh Yes!"
*Eleventh Doctor Quotes*
"Bowties are cool."
"Come along pond!"
"Stetsons are cool." "Fezzes are cool" "Bunk beds are cool" "Glasses are cool"
Other People:
K-9: "Affirmative. Master."
River Song: "Spoilers!"
Amy: "Raggedy man... Goodbye" (The saddest quote of all)