(3) Trapped

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You teared up slightly from fright as you stood up and moved behind the chair, hoping it would provide some amount of defense. Before you stood someone well capable of overpowering you, killing you, or even taking advantage of you if he pleased. You hoped dearly that whatever fate Foxy had for you was quick and harmless, if not as painless as possible.You felt your lips quiver as you looked at him, afraid of his physical power. It was only 3:02... there ws no possible way you were getting out of this situation. Not unless there was some form of miracle anyway.
Foxy wiped his snout, smearing a small amount of blood onto his fur as the impact of him hitting the floor had made his nose begin to bleed. You rook a step backward, meeting with the cold wall that seemed to seal your fate and keep you from passing through it. You cursed the room for being so small as there was no room to escape or fight, and room for struggling was extremely limited. These thoughts chilled you as you pondered what they could mean for youe future. Honestly, you weren't all too very fond of the ideas that lingered in the back of your mind.
"Foxy, I'm so sorry. I-I was only feeling uncomfortable with how you were being. I really didn't mean to hurt you!" you stammered, holding your hands close to your chest and pleading silently that your apology would get through to the angered fox.
Foxy only snarled and started walking to you, his hook raised slightly, as if threatening you. Before you could react, he was against you, placing his body against yours and moving his lower area between your legs. His hook was put through your shirt on your shoulder, pinning you to the wall. You were trapped and terrified.
His snout was barely grazing your nose, placing both of your lips only a short ways away from each other's.
His now white pupil glowed threateningly as he glared at you, and his ears were drawn back. "Alright, lass," he growled, now nearing his muzzle to your ear. You detected a fair amount of hostility in his voice. "I'll let ye live, but only if ye do somethin' for me in return," Foxy concluded, his eye scanning hungrily over your body. At these words, your little bit of hope that he would let you go freely vanished, and you had no other option than to do as he said for mercy.
"Y-Yes... Foxy? What do you want?" you whispered, afraid to raise your voice at all for fear that he would become more upset with you for doing anything other than what he pleased. You however, tilted your head away as his nose touched your ear. He was making you quite uncomfortable with his actions and attitude, not to mention appearance. His eyes still lingered on your body before closing for a moment as he heard your question.
His eye opened only a few short moments, now back to its normal golden hue. You bit your lip, looking towards the ground to avoid looking towards him. A low growl escaped his throat and you heard him snarl at you. "Shut up." Something collided with the side of your head and your eyes widened at the contact before closing just before you hit the floor. You had been knocked out cold and could do nothing.

Cherishing Crimson (Foxy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now