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You cant put out the flame that burned on the bright green trees on Naboo, when Kylo Ren set them alight with the unstable scarlet blade of his lightsaber, the day that he betrayed us all. Killed most of us.
I first met Ben when he was born, then later helped my dad train him. He was two years younger than me, and that made me responsible for him. But I had a life. A boyfriend. Poe Dameron. I had grown up with him, my dad looking after him after he became orphaned. And then, we just fell in love
Many years passed, until I turned 12 and Ben turned 10, his constant temper tantrums getting worse, and it only dawned on me as it was too late, that Ben had turned. Adopted the 'new name' Kylo Ren. Snoke. His master.
And that tore our lives to shreds, the only thing keeping me sane being Poe.
And Bens end was a new beginning for a scary life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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