Trouble on Mars

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    The TARDIS shook with tremendous force. It was even more powerful than ever before. The terrible sound of the TARDIS' red alert alarm woke me up from my deep sleep. I sat up fast in my TARDIS blue bed, eyes wide awake now. My mind went through all the scenarios of what the red alert meant.

    What was it? Meteor? No, it would just bounce off. Black hole? No, that wouldn't make any noise.

    The TARDIS' red alert alarm grew louder.

    "Alright, alright. I'm comin'. I'm comin."

    I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and grabbed my blue suit pants, throwing them on, and running out of my room. I ran to the console and grabbed the screen with my hands. I ran one hand through my short brown hair and stared at the screen.

    "Well, that's certainly not good."

    According to the TARDIS, we were falling through Mars' atmosphere at terrific speed. I grabbed her parking lever and pulled it up as hard as I could. I looked back at the screen to see her materializing at the last second. I breathed a sigh of relief as we materialized onto Mars' surface.

    "That was close", I said to myself and walked to the railing where I always left my brown trench coat. I grabbed it, flung it over my shoulder, and looked back at the console.

    "I will go out and see why you brought me here. But, when I get back, it's my turn to pick. Got it?"

    The TARDIS made a few klinking noises.

    "Oh, yes. Thank you for reminding me." I went to the closet and grabbed my space helmet. I nodded and walked back to the door. I put my coat on and placed the helmet over my head. I then sighed before taking my first step on Mars since regenerating. I looked around and took in the beautiful scenery. It was incredible.

    I looked over at my side and desperately wished I had a companion with me. The look in their eyes, when they see a new planet, always brightened my day. I looked down at the red surface and thought back to my last companion. I knew she had to go back, but I didn't think it would hurt this bad.

    Suddenly, my face paled as I heard a metallic voice nearby, followed by a scream. I ran towards the scream as I heard the metallic voice repeat itself.


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