~Chapter 1~

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Preston's POV
"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye Preston."

"Bye Rob!" He ended the Skype call. We were doing a parkour video that should be going up very soon. It was actually pretty fun, other than the fact I have never seen him.

I wish I can see him...

That part of my mind longs to see him, but there will come a day were that wish will come true.

Maybe if I just wish hard enough...

I shook the thought out of my head, changed into a blue tank top and black basketball shorts walked to my car, and drove to the gym. Working out isn't as bad as I thought it would be, to be honest it actually quite fun. I walk into the gym and head straight towards the treadmill to do a warm up. After 8 minutes of jogging, I head towards the weights. I lift 25 pounds and work my way to 35 pounds for about 5 minutes on each weight.

While working out, my mind wandered over to Rob.

I really want to see him...

After another 30 minutes of doing exercise, I decide to go home. I get in my car and drive home.

When I get home, I go to the kitchen to make a sandwich. After I made my sandwich, I go up to my recording room and check my messages. I scroll though everything but they were mostly just subscriptions  and all that junk.

Sadly nothing's from Rob... Wait, what?

Why does my mind keep traveling to Rob? He's my friend and nothing more!


I took a shower and change into a black shirt and navy basketball shorts and walk to my room and went towards the couch. I look at the time and it's 10:45.

I might as well get some sleep.

I laid on the couch and as soon as my head hit the cushion, I fell asleep.

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