Chapter 2: Seeing new things

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Dipper's POV

I woke up and the sun was shining right in my face. I squinted and sat up. "First day of summer." I got up and changed into my clothes. I still wore a vest and it was still navy blue, but I wore a white shirt, and some jeans. I put on my sneakers and walked out of the room. I walked past Mabel's and my parents room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I sat down in a chair and ate an apple. I don't have to eat, but I can. Mabel soon came into the kitchen.

"Someone's up early." She said while stretching. "Mabel, it's 9:45." I said chewing my apple. "What are you doing today bro bro?" Mabel said sitting next to me. "Hanging out with Summer." I said. I threw the apple core in the trash can even though it was about 10 feet away. "Even though your a demon and you can practically do anything, that was still impressive." "You just get impressed easily." I said. "What time are you getting Summer?" "10:00." "Ok cool, want to hang out for a bit?" Mabel asked me. "Yeah, sounds fun, what do you want to do?" I asked playing with a small flame. "Can you teleport yet?" I teleported behind her. "Where'd you go?" She said. I taped he shoulder. "Does that answer your question?" I teleported back to my seat. "Yes it does, can you take people too?" I held my hand out and she took it. I teleported us to Mabel's room. "Yes I can." I said sitting in air. "That's a little unfair." Mabel said. "what? That it can look like I'm walking in the ceiling?" I flipped myself upside down to make it seem like I walked on the ceiling. "What else can you do?" Mabel asked me.

Mabel was always impressed at what I could do. "I know." I grabbed her hand and teleported us to the back yard. "What?" She asked sitting on the grass which was covered in morning dew. I flew a little bit off the ground and Mabel gave me a confused look. I pulled her off the ground so she was floating with me. "So you can pick me up off the ground? That's a little boring." "I'm going to let go." "Don't you dare." I let her go and she looked scared for a moment but only to realize she was still at the same height as me. She looked down at the ground and saw she wasn't on the ground. "I can make you fly for as long as I want you too." I said sitting in mid air folding my arms. "This is amazing." Mabel said as she mimicked my moves. We talked for a while before I heard the doorbell ring. "I need to go now Mabel." I said Landing on the ground. I wore the spell off and Mabel was on the ground too. "Can we do this later?" she begged. "Yeah, I only have a week to be home." I then walked inside the house and to the living room where mom was talking to Summer. "So Summer, how long have you known Dipper?" Mom asked her. "Well, I've always known him, but I really paid attention when he all the sudden went missing for six years, by the way, why did he disappear for six years?" "I'm not quite sure, he doesn't like to talk about it, thus something you should ask him personally." "Well anyways, when Mabel came into school one the first day of 12th grade with a boy, I took it upon myself to find out who it was. So Mabel explained that Dipper was back. So, after seeing him be the gossip central and the bully target, I came up and talked to him. We had so much in common so we became friends." "Well I'm happy you like our son, even with his, problems." "Oh you mean being half demon?" Mom looked at Summer like she was a crazy person. "What? No..." I decided it was time to walk in. "It's ok mom, she knows, I told her." I said. "Why?" Mom said getting suspicious. Summer walked up to me and wrapped her arm around me. "Well, we both like the supernatural, so after I found out Dipper was different than the other kids, he decided he would tell me. And that makes him 100% cooler. I mean how cool is it know that your boyfriend can make anything pop out of thin air?! And I love his fire, can you do it again?" Summer asked me. I made a small flame and Summer put her hand in mine and let the flame envelope her hand.  "It's just so fascinating." Summer said. "Well, that takes a whole lot of weight off my shoulders. Well you two go have fun." "Thanks mom, see you later love you." I said as we walked out the door. "You too, be safe, well Summer be safe, and Dipper too."' Me and Summer both rolled out eyes.

"So, I was wondering, what's your real name? I know Dipper is your nickname." "Oh, it's Michael." (Yes that's his real name.) "I like Dipper." Summer said. "Me too."

"What are we doing today?" Summer asked me as we walked down the sidewalk. "I'm taking you somewhere." I simply said."Where?!" Summer said with a lot of happiness in her voice. "A place called...Gravity Falls." I said. Summer then grabbed my arm. "Really?! Right now?!" She said. "Yep." I said. We ducked behind a tree and I teleported us right in front of the mystery shack.

"Where are we?" Summer said looking around. "This is the mystery shack. This is where I stayed when I went to Gravity Falls." I said. "It's open want to go in." I said putting on my Pine Tree hat. "Yeah!" We walked into the mastery shack. Wendy who was sitting on the counter looked up from her magazine and saw us. "Dipper?" She asked sitting up. "Hi Wendy." I said leaning on the counter. "Summer, meet Wendy, one of the coolest people I've known." "Not as cool as me right?" Summer said as she rested her head on my back. "Ummm. Do I have to choose?" "No silly!" "Who's that Dipper?" Wendy said gesturing to Summer. "Well, this is Summer, my girlfriend." I said. Summer stood back up strait and stuck her hand out for Wendy to shake. "Nice to meet you!" "You too." Wendy said shaking Summer's hand. "Is Soos and Stan here?" I asked Wendy. "Yeah, in the other room. "Thanks. Come with me Summer." Summer grabbed my hand and we walked through the employees only door. Soos and Stan were was thin Tv. "What are you watching Grunkle Stan?" I said casually. "Nothing much kid..." Stan then looked up. "Dipper?! How're you here?" Stan said getting up. Soos looked up too. "Dude! You're back!" Soos came up and gave me a fist bump. I lit my hand on fire. "How else do you think I got here?" I asked. Summer put her hand in my flame. She cam never resist the urge to feel the flame. "Kid, ya know there is a girl who saw you light you hand on fire and is playing with it. I closed my hand around Summers. "The flame is really warm it feels nice." Summer said as she rested her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, this is Summer, my girlfriend. She knows I'm half Demon, she thinks it's amazing." "Yep! He's he coolest boyfriend ever!" Summer said as she stared at our hands. I killed the flame and Summer looked disappointed. "Open your hands." I said. Summer did as she was told. I made a small fire ball for her. She stared at it in awe. "This is so cool." She said as she picked up the fire. "Can you change the color?" She asked. "I could try." I concentrated and the fire turned into a lime color, Summers favorite. "I can now."

"As interesting as this is, why are you here?" Stan said. "Well, I told her our stories from here, and so since she loves the supernatural as much as I do, I tool her here." I said. Summer nodded. "I still don't understand how you're a demon." She said. The room went silent for a bit. "That's a long story, but it also brings back a lot of painful memories." I said. "That's fine, I'll just make some conspiracies about it." I smirked. "Really? About me?" I joked with her.  "Well sorry mister knowledge demon, I don't know as much as you do." She said asked she poked my face. "Yeah, you're right." And just then Ford came into the room. "Hi Ford." I said not looking behind me. "Dipper?" Ford said. He walked in front of me and smiled. "Great to see you, how's school?" "Great, 100% average, even though I didn't really work for it. And I'm going to a super nice technology collage in a week." "Good job my boy." Ford said as he patted my back.  "Wait, we only have this week together?" Summer said with some sadness in her voice. "Yeah." I said long Down. "What one?" " California national institute of technology." I responded. "I'm going there too!" Summer said as she hugged me. "Well that works perfectly." I said.

'So, Pine Tree cares about this girl? I have an idea....'  

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