Chapter 5: Off you go

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Mabel's POV

Well, today is the day Dipper and Summer go off to collage. I still have a couple weeks before I need to go. Dipper had just brung his stuff down the stairs. He was all ready to go.

"You go have fun Bro Bro." I said giving him a playful punch. "Don't cause too much fun without me." He responded. "I can't believe you're already going to collage!" Mom said as she gave Dipper a hug. "Go impress those teachers." Dad said drinking coffee. "I think they're already impressed with my scores." Dipper joked.

There was a knock at the door. I opened it and Summer was there with her stuff. I let her in the house and she came up and gave Dipper a hug.

"Ready to go Dips?" She asked him. "As ready as I'll ever be." Dipper picked up his stuff with ease and some of Summer's stuff. "I'll call you when I get there! Bye!" Dipper said. I gave him a hug. "Be safe!" I called after him. "I will!"

I watched Summer and Dipper get in his car and drive off. I smiled, there goes my brother, when he becomes famous, he better be sure to visit me.

Summer's POV

Once we got on the highway, we really talked to each other.

"So how's your head?" I asked him. "Better, I think it's gone away." He responded. "Well that's good, I really thought Bill did something terrible to you." "Yeah, me too."

It went silent for bit. I just stared out the window. I then heard a voice "Get him to surrender by the end of the week...or you'll be sorry." I sat up strait. "You ok?" Dipper asked me. "Y-yeah." I said playing with my hands. "Really?" "No... But hey, I was wondering, what's the worst, i mean I'm just thinking long term, but what would happen if you went back to bill?"

Dippers eyes widened. "Are you crazy! Do you have any idea what he could do to me in a second?!" Dipper somewhat yelled. I saw his pupils, turn into small slits, but not as big as they do get.

"I'm sorry, I was just think that, you should calm down a bit, your eyes are turning into slits." Dipper took a deep breath and his eyes went back to normal.

(Time elapse)

Once we got there, Dipper helped me bring me stuff to my room. He carried everything for me with ease. We got a couple of eyes from the other students and I heard some people talking about us. "How is he caring all that?" "How strong is this guy?" "He's kinda cute."

I looked back a Dipper who had a small blush spread across his face. I walked back to him and said. "You're still mine." He smiled and nodded.

We got to my room and I met my roommate. Her name was Christy. When Dipper walked in and set the stuff down, Christy came up to him.

"Hi, I'm Christy, and I must say, that was some impressive handiwork you did there. Do you work out?" She asked. "No...." Dipper responded. "I should probably get my stuff to my room." Dipper said. I stopped him and have him a kiss on the cheek. "See you later." "See you later Summer."

Dipper's POV

When I closed the door I heard Summer's roommate say something. "Wow, your boyfriend is really strong." I felt a small light blush spread across my face. It's not like I can stop using powers that have permanently affected me.

I walked back outside and grabbed my stuff, locked the car, and walked to my dorm. It took a while and a couple asked me if I needed help. Of course I said no, I really didn't. That made people get confused, don't mess this up Dipper, people don't know you, first impressions are everything right?

Once I got to my room, I put the key in walked in. I closed the door behind me and my roommate greeted me.

"Hi, you must be...Dipper,right?" "Yeah, that's me." I responded still holding my stuff. "Oh sorry, I'm Jacob. Need any help with those bags." "Nope I'm good, it's actually pretty light." "Prove it, I want to be sure you're not the type of person who declines help, cause I'm always ready to help." "Alright then." I put all the luggage on my hand and lifted it with ease.

My roommate stood there amazed. "You've barely packed thats why." He said. "Fine then you try." I mocked. "Fine, I will." I handed him the stuff and he struggled to carry it all even with both hands. "What do you do? Steroids?" He asked. "No, I'm just like that." I took the stuff out of his arms and set it down. "Well Dipper, I can tell we'll have a great time together." He held his fist out for a fist bump. I returned it. "Just be careful Dipper, I pretty smart if I do say so myself." "I bet I'm smarter." I said. "I like your competitive spirit. But prove it." "Ok, I held a 100% all year. And, I missed 6 years of school, and I passed it all." I said snugly crossing my arms.

"Wait, you where that kid who mysteriously disappeared? I went to that school too!" "Oh, well then, I guess you've heard all the rumors about me haven't you?" I asked. "No, I never payed attention." I took a breath of relief. "Well, let's go to class! We'll be late!" He then grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

(Time skip!)

I walked into my room with my roommate, once the door was shut, I went to my be and just laid back in it. My roommate sat on his bed on the other side of the room.

"Dude, how much do you know?" He asked breaking the silence. "A lot." I responded. "No, really, you were like a computer." "Jacob, our brains are way better at stuff than computers are." "You just proved my point." I smiled and looked at the ceiling, it's not that bad here, I mean, what's the worst that can happen?

I was wrong, so very wrong.

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