Chapter 2

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​The sound of scraping of graphite against paper fills the room as Louis writes the final formula in his chemistry notebook.  To him, it isn't hard to recognize how ions bond together and form compounds. It isn't hard to recognize that their charges should balance and cancel each other out. And maybe that makes him a nerd . . . but Louis can't find himself to care. He's good at school, sure. He can even confess that he likes school. It's not in the traditional sort of sense though.

​Because, if you ask Louis, school is his escape. Escape from this, as Harry so kindly put, shithole of a town. The weather is horrible and most of the people even more so. All Louis wants to do is make sure he does well in his classes, get plenty of scholarships, and move to London. He'll figure out what to do from that point on later.

​Louis shoves his notebook into his book bag with a heavy sigh just as his new step mom voice echoes through the hallway, summoning them down for dinner. Brilliant timing. He hops off the bed and picks his way downstairs.

​He's still not entirely sure how he feels about having another teenager occupy his house. It's hard to say after only a couple of hours really. But other than the rude greeting, it's been very quiet. He doesn't know what he was expecting - loud music or stomping perhaps?

​That's a far from accurate description for what actually happened the past few hours. Louis' pretty sure he even forgot that the curly-haired boy is even here for a while. And that might have been more shocking than his arrival. Maybe he was too quick to judge. Maybe having a stepbrother won't actually be that bad. After all, he can just hide in his room if he doesn't want to be near him.

​But as Louis locks eyes with his new stepbrother and his stomach gives a swoop of something frighteningly similar to desire, he can't help but believe he might need to stay away for an entirely different reason than peace and quiet. If the fact that despite Harry's arrogant attitude, he still finds some kind of thrill by being in his presence isn't worrying, then he doesn't know what is. Louis gives his arm a sharp pinch in the hope that he can dismiss the feeling. It seems to work.

​Louis slides into his chair at the oak table without a word, Harry following his example at the other end. Good. The further away he stays, the better.

​His step mom smiles warmly at him. "Louis! It's good to see you again!" She comes around the table with a plate of freshly cooked spaghetti in her slim hand and places it in front of him, giving his shoulder a soft squeeze as she reaches over. Louis hopes she doesn't notice the way he stiffens. "How is football going?"

​Harry, who is poking at his food - not that Louis is watching - suddenly sits up a little straighter. His topaz eyes focus on Louis' face so steadily that his skin seemingly combusts under the attention. It doesn't cause the familiar flip of his stomach, but it gets under his skin in a way he can't explain. Exposed is the best way he can describe it. He feels Harry can see right through him. And it's fucking unnerving.

​"Hey, Anne." Louis swallows his uneasiness, tenderly picking up his fork. "Uh . . . it's going well, I think. We got a new recruit from Brookside a month or so ago, and he's already showing signs of potential. I think he'll be a valuable asset for us." Harry's eyelashes flutter. "Oh, and we beat Yorkshire yesterday, so we are heading to the semis in two weeks."

​"Wow," she exclaims, eyebrows raising in surprise. "You must be a pretty good captain then, huh?"

​Louis shrugs, observing Harry from the corner of his vision. He stabs his pile of noodles aggressively and twirls his wrist so that it snuggles around the silver utensil. He does it skillfully and with ease, bringing it up to wrap his lips around it, his tongue sticking out slightly to bring it in. There's almost something teasing about the way he does it. When Louis' lips part, Harry's eyes sparkle, and Louis knows he's doing it on purpose.

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