How She Died

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Cover made by AddieKlaus.

"Go, now!" She yells, tears running down her face as she jumps into the carriage. "Please," she adds quietly, despite everything that had just happened to her. The carriage door shut behind her and the carriage lurched forward immediately, before the girl even had a chance to sit down. She closed her brown eyes, and let's the rest of the tears stream down her face. Elizabeth Fisher was only 15 years old, and she had just been raped by a man who was at least twice her age. All she really wanted now was to go home and lock herself in her room and never be touched by another human being ever again.

All she had been doing was looking for her locket
that her father had given her when she was younger, and while she had been looking, she had been knocked out by a man whom she'd never forget the face of, but never know the name of.

Now, she looked down at her scratched up wrists, dried with blood, where the ropes had bound her to the bed to keep her from running. Her dressed was ripped and torn, as well, and she shivered at the memory, and wrapped her arms around herself.

I will never be the same person ever again, she thought to herself. Never.

Elizabeth had dirty blonde hair and simple brown eyes. She had never been considered pretty, and she was not exactly skinny, nor fat. She was only 5'5" in height, and she loved to read books, though she never quoted them. She also could not swim to save her life.

Laying wide awake on the carriage bench, Elizabeth slowly sat up, carefully moving the curtain away from the window to see the outside. There was countryside all around, and not a single living soul to be seen. There was a huge lake in the distance, and it looked beautiful with the rising sun sparkling off of it. At least she could still pick out what was beautiful.


It was all one, sudden blur. One moment Elizabeth was sitting peacefully in her carriage, and the next moment the carriage was taking a sharp turn and water was flooding ing in through the window. Before she had a chance to scream, the water rose up above her head, and she only had a moment to catch her breath. She managed to get out of the carriage, but was pulled even further down from her heavy skirts, keeping her from floating or even attempting to swim, though she could not.

Nobody was around to save her, either.

Black spots dotted her vision, and the further she sunk down, the less she could see the little bit of light breaking through the surface of the water.

Soon, everything was gone. She was drawn to the darkness.

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