The Club??

394 10 4

Don't Play the music yet..
Aph, Travis,Katelyn,Jeffory,
Kawaii~chan, Dante,Garroth, Laurance,Michi, Aaron, Lucinda, Candenza, and me, Went to the club, because we need a break....

Travis wanted to sing

I've never admitted this,but when guys sing it kinda...Turns me on or makes me attracted to them...Shit...

He sang....Marvin Gaye

Let's Marvin Gaye get it in on
You got the healing that I want
Just like the say it in the song
Until the dawn let's Marvin

He looked at me the whole time,He sang this song
That's when I realized, I like Travis...

What? - Everyone Yelled at me

Kawaii~chan ship is sailing

So guys why did you guys yell?- Travis said



What he has to know at some point!- Aph said

Zane~kun likes Travis~Kun!!- She told Travis

Kawaii ~chan!

I'm sorry Zane~Kun....

Y-you like me??- Travis said


And cliff hanger I'm so so sorry I just wanted to know( in the comments) your conclusions what happens next


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