Prop Hunt

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Quick A/N
OK I know dante and zane are the same person, let's just pretend there not ok? , ok.

Travis Pov
It's been a week since Laurance called me a cute flirt, so I decided to take my mind off that, I went to play prop hunt with aph!

Hey daaante!
Come here give me a hug dante


Oh so no hugs for the rest of us- Said Katelyn

Katelyn I gave you a hug this moring- Aph said

So, you know I need one, at least on the hour! - Katelyn said

OK come here- Aph said


Travis hug me- Garroth said

No,No,No,No- I said

Travis, come give me a hug- Aph said

No, actually ok- I said

Wow , so you hug her,
and not garroth- Katelyn said

Well listen- I said before I was interrupted

I'm sure if Zane were here, he'd love to hug him

Of course I would, I would have said that, but he said no can known so , I said-

Woah we are not talking about that bro!- I said

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