Chapter 1 - Defeat By Kiss

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Kayano's POV

Right when I thought I had killed Korosensei, I got a glimpse of a blurred figure jumping straight to my face. I struggled to put myself together to grasp what had happened. I felt an odd warmth in my mouth and a breathing against my cheek. It was not until I noticed the blue eyes staring down at me, and the tongue that broke into my mouth that it hit me - Nagisa had kissed me.

I froze. That was too sudden. I had no reaction, no acting strategies ready for that. As his tongue scored hits around my mouth, my body slowly began to weaken; my blood lust began to drain out to the point where my vision normalized and I could feel my face burning from embarrassment. My heartbeat became faster and faster, and against my will, "puff!", I shut down.

I woke up on the grassy ground surrounded by judgmental gazes. I heard my name coming from every side, some asking me if I was ok. Okuda-san was holding my head with a gentle smile on her face. As I looked better at everyone, I surprised myself seeing so many worried expressions, even after all the mean things I said. "Aren't you all mad at me now?" I wanted to ask but kept quiet. It was clear that they were waiting for me to say something.

"Kayano, are you OK?" A voice next to me spoke. It was him.

My whole body shook when I heard Nagisa and I turned away to hide my blush. The touch of his tongue still hadn't faded, nor had any of that moment's embarrassment. I was sure that at least one person filmed it all, and I quickly confirmed that when I saw Karma and Nakamura holding their phones... I cringed imagining what they'd do with the evidence.

Even though that kiss was an assassination technique earned from Bitch-sensei, it still had been a kiss nonetheless between me and Nagisa... I didn't know how to feel about that. What if I couldn't be around him just as I was before? Was that the only method he could think of to distract me, or did he actually want to kiss me? Did he have feelings for me? And... did I? All those questions came running to my head and didn't want to leave.

They took me to a hospital to spend the night. I felt flattered with the class I had; with the teacher I had, that even after all that madness, they treated me with such care, with smiles and presents. The one I had just tried to kill left me a pudding on the table beside the bed. No matter how ashamed I was, I couldn't erase the smile on my face. No matter how much of a villain I was that day, I felt slightly proud of myself for some reason.

I couldn't resist the temptation to eat the pudding before going to sleep, so I sat, put it on my lap and reached for a spoon. Midway through that delicacy I noticed a piece of paper attached to the plate. I almost choked when I read it: "From Nagisa with love", it said. The pudding in my mouth suddenly resembled a tongue and I couldn't swallow it properly. It was Korosensei who gave it to me personally, so what was the meaning of that? A prank? Something about Nagisa presenting me with a pudding sounded off, so it probably was someone else's idea.

"Nagisa..." I said out loud. That guy's talent for assassination never ceased to surprise me. He jumped on me with a stiff face like if I was his prey and, out of all options, defeated me with a sudden french kiss. And there I thought I was the best of the best... I should have known by then. I should have known after I watched him coming out victorious in the most unbalanced situations, even posing a threat to Karasuma.

I was sure that, if Korosensei had a Takaoka mentality, he'd be dead ages ago. The reason he was still alive was because Nagisa liked him. So the day Korosensei turned his back on us, would be the day Nagisa's bloodlust comes to a climax, and then, the sudden attacks would reach a whole new level.

When I finished eating, I looked down to the embarrassing piece of paper - the only thing left on the plate. I was pretty sure that it was Karma's idea, or maybe Nakamura's. I guess they could be teasing him for what he had done. 

 I smiled a bit, and then that smile turned into a smirk as my earlier thoughts came back. I just had an idea.

"I wonder if... I can beat him in a battle", I thought.

"No one in the class could yet"

"But if it's sudden attacks that he likes, it's sudden attacks that he'll get".

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