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I know Lucas is upset. I'd be stupid not to know it. And I, myself, am upset, too. Why shouldn't we be?

All either of us wants is to be together.

But that has to wait. I have to infiltrate the system to stop it and Lucas has to keep his family safe and stay out of trouble. The latter concerns me.

I have my lighthouse notebook on my lap closed with a pen between the pages. Lucas is lying on the couch next to me. His back presses against my ribs forcing me to drape my left arm over his chest to sit comfortably. Since we reached agreement a few hours ago, Lucas has been practically glued to me. Currently, he's leisurely flipping through a car magazine.

"Comfy, Luc?" His spine is beginning to make my side sore.

"Mhmm." He murmurs.

"Could you sit up and trade places with me please?"

After a long moment, he obeys. "I'm guessing you aren't comfortable?"

"You have a bony back." I shrug without apology.

"Sorry, Angel." He leans in to me.

"It's no problem. I just wanted to be able to write." I lift my notebook.

"Love songs?" He tilts his head down to me.

"None of your business, Royal."

His mouth touches mine before his name is off my tongue. I let myself  go with it. Too soon we won't have this.

I slide my hands into his already tangled hair and tangle it more. His hands are everywhere on my neck and my back and my waist.

Tears feel imminently close. I turn my face from Lucas and rest my head on his shoulder.

"What is it, Jess?" An ocean of tenderness washes over me with his words. His voice carries a nearly unbearable ache.

A single tear escapes and I pretend to scratch the side of my nose as I wipe it. "I am completely filled with hate because of our situation." I admit.

Lucas just pulls me closer. He is too.

"Not one bit of this is fair."

This time his reply comes quick. "You don't have to go through with anything. 

I move to meet his eyes. They aren't far from crying either. I shut mine for a long, long moment. "I can't live with myself doing nothing. I can't let this happen to anyone else."

"Wouldn't it be grand to be without consciences?"

I open my eyes. "That's the problem with our city."

"I know." He shakes his head.

"Running away sounds beautiful."

A second of shock lights Lucas's eyes. "Going back on your word?" The doubt in his voice overpowers the hope. 

The gray seems to cover the green of his eyes.

We both know my answer. I turn my back to Lucas's face and lean into his body. He slides an arm around my waist and allows me the silence to write. I pen the words of a sort of love poem to Lucas.

They ran, ran, ran to the castle,

But the dragons flew faster.

They snatched up the princess

And made her insane.

But the Prince

--That beautiful man--

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