Sorry: A Sleeping with Sirens Fanfiction

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Mark's P. O. V.
August 23, 2011

"Can we just talk about it?!?"

"Talk about what? There's nothing to talk about, Mark!!!!"

"I just saw some random guy take advantage of you in the woods!!!! That's nothing, Jessie?!?"

Right after I said that Jessie broke down crying. I just yelled at my best friend because she was raped! I'm so stupid!!

"What happened?"

"Mark, promise you won't get mad?"

"I promise."

I said that very loosely. How can I not be mad?? My best friend, practically my sister, just got raped! I wish I knew who the guy was, I would've killed him!!

"Did you see him?"

"No, it was too dark. Now tell me jessica!"

Fine, you know that mystery guy I've been hanging out with? It was Nick, Nick Boehm. He was a little drunk and he wanted to have sex but I didn't want to, so I tried to push him off of me but he pinned me against a tree and well .. You know. So I screamed and then you came. Please don't me mad!"

"Nick? Nick, the bassist in my band??? He did this to you?! Why didn't you tell me? I could've warned you! He never treats girls right! You should know that!!! Oh my god, why are girls so stupid!!"

" I knew it. You wouldn't understand!!"

She stormed out before I could realize what a big mistake I made. I hated myself! I called her and called her but she never picked up. Finally, I gave up, she needed space and I needed sleep.

** 3:49 am August 24, 2011**

*phone rings*
" Hello?"
"Mark, its josh. You gotta come down here! It's Jessie, she's hurt! We're in the ambulance. Hurry!!"

I dropped the phone, ran out the door and caught the first taxi I could! I didn't know what hospital she was at so I just went to the nearest one. Luckily, I was right. I sprinted in and asked josh what happened as I watched Jessie getting rolled off into one of the rooms.

"I.. I found her behind a dinner. She was unconscious and her wrist was bleeding so bad! I called 911 and then called you. How do you think this happened?!"

"I'm not sure..."

Obviously I lied. Jessie and I were really close, we didn't have any secrets! She started cutting a few months ago, after her mom died. Her dad was very abusive and his girlfriend didn't help either. She pretty much just say back and watched as if it was America's funniest home videos or something. Although, she did call the cops once but not for the right reasons. They were having a party and some guy fell and busted his lip so rose, Jessie's dads girlfriend, called the police reporting Jessie for domestic violence as a joke. It wasn't a joke though. I had to bail her out!! I tried to get her to stop cutting but she wouldn't, she just became more secretive. I know what happened tonight, I made her cut. I could've killed her! I'm such an asshole! Why do I say stupid fucking things!! Mother fucker!!!
After waiting for 2 hours we finally got to see Jessie.

"Hey, Jess. How ya feeling?"

"Josh?... I'm alright. What happened?"

"Look at your wrist."

I tried not to have an attitude saying that but it was my fault I didn't know how to say it!

"When can I leave?"

"I don't know. Ill go check. Mark stay here and make sure jessica is okay."

It was so awkward but I couldn't leave her again, I love her. She's like my sister if she tried anything like this again, I don't know what I would do!

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not."

"Jess, I love you. You're my rock! I hate myself for what I did to you, you don't deserve to be this hurt! Nobody does, I just don't know what to do to make you feel better.."

She didn't say anything after that. I thought we weren't friends anymore. I thought she really hated me. She did, didn't she....

Sorry: A Sleeping with Sirens FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now