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Seventeen year old, Jacob Rivers, has been bottling and hiding his problems for more of his life than he can bother to remember. He looks normal, he fits in; he's practically invisible to everyone else. Of course, like everyone else, he has friends. And only his closest friend knows his issues: Drew Cross. Drew was born on June 18th, the same day as Jacob, grew up in the same neighborhood with him, and they attended the same schools together all throughout their life. Tenth grade is the first time Jacob snapped, when a girl that attended their school, Ashley Stewart, broke one of Jacob's valued possessions; his heart. Breaking his mind and his sanity along with it. He caught her cheating. He went to her house one day, during the long and dreading summer, wanting to surprise her by showing up. But it was Jacob of whom was surprised, to see her in her room, on her bed, committing acts most vile and grotesque. His mind spread across a sheet of blackness and his vision faded as he blacked out. After regaining consciousness, he stood over the both of them as they lay on the floor. Beaten. Broken. Cold. Alas, they were dead. Perished. A pure resemblance of his mind, his heart, his sanity. When brought to the authorities, Jacob claimed temporary insanity and returned home, free and dropped of all charges, after passing test after test to see if he had any mental illnesses. He showed none, but his mind showed a temporary spike. More than likely the time of which he witnessed the event.
Drew had no idea that Jacob had done something so vulgar, not until a week later when new evidence had arisen; the whereabouts of the girls' body. She had been hidden, mutilated and jammed, underneath the floorboards of the very room they were murdered in. However, the boy, known as Steven Forge, has not been found. He was wrapped in the, now bloodied, cloth they were engaging on, tied off, and weighted down to the empty blackness of the lagoon bottom by cinder-blocks. When questioned again and again by the authorities on the whereabouts of Steven's body, Jacob had no real memory of the area. All he could remember was standing over their bodies, blacking out again, and waking up at home.
Drew remained his friend, however. Drew and Jacob sacredly swore, ever since they were little and since they were in the second grade, that they would never seek to destroy or dissolve their friendship no matter what had happened. Drew didn't know what was wrong with Jacob at first in third grade, not until Jacob's mood swings got worse, more violent, and more frequent. Drew's initial belief was that Jacob was temperamental and grouchy because he never had enough sleep. Or he never seemed like he did.
But, that belief, was nowhere close to the truth.

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