The Party Starts

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Sunlight streams in small strips through the halfway closed blinds. I get up slowly, rubbing my eyes. I'm tired after our long night, but I know that sleep won't come. I look over at Don, and he looks so angelic, sleeping with large intakes. I get up slowly and slip on an oversized t-shirt and underwear.

I walk into the kitchen, stretching out my sore arms.  Mmmm. Waffles sound great. I pull out the waffle maker and start getting the ingredients together. Soon enough, the smell of waffles envelopes the entire house. I feel a strong set of hands wrap around my waist. I turn and see Don's smiling face. He's only wearing boxers.

He goes to kiss me, but I step away from the waffle maker first. "Let's not repeat what happened last time," I say, planting my mouth on his.

He pulls away and sighs. "Let's stay here. In this moment. Forever."

"I can't even stay here for another hour. I promised Lacey I would meet her at her house today. Now, you watch these waffles. I'm going to go get dressed." I state, walking away. I hear the sizzling and know that he's not following me.

I shrug on an oversized hoodie and leggings. I grab my handbag and walk out to the kitchen. "Bon appetite," Don't says, handing me a plate of steaming waffles.

"Thank you," I say, starting to eat up. He made it just the way I like it, as found the last time we made waffles. I eat fast, trying to make sure that I get to Lacey's house on time.

We finish our crepes after making small talk. "Okay. I've got to go now." I stood up, grabbing my purse. I quickly kissed Don't, and then walked out of the door.

It was a windy day, and my hair kept whipping into my face. I pulled my hair up into a bun and hopped into my car. The radio played l, and I hummed along to Today's Top 50.

I pulled up to a cute, two story, white house. The paint was immaculate, and the porch was newly stained redwood. The house wasn't perfect, but it was kept in near perfect condition. It was easily seen that the Caretaker put a lot of effort into making it look this nice.

I walk into the house, knocking on the door. Lacey opens it, an apron and oven mitts on. Her blonde Bob is swept back in a half back, and she looks sweaty. "Oh! Sally, it's you! I wasn't expecting you for another ten minutes. Come in, just let me put these cookies in the oven."

I followed her into the house, and the inside of the house was just as neat as the exterior. Not a speck of dust covered any surface. Everything seems to have a place, and everything is clean.

I follow Lacey into the kitchen, slipping my shoes off at the door. She slides a pan into the oven and slips off her oven mitts. "So, how are you?" She asks, dusting off the flour from her apron and hands.

"Oh, I'm just tired," I said. I decided to tell her, if only because she would kill me if I didn't tell her. "Me and Don't had a long night."

"Oh!" She squealed. "Did you have a movie marathon? That is so cute! Tell me you watched Definitely, Maybe! That's my favorite!"

Lacey was extremely oblivious, no offense to her. "No, we didn't have a movie night. We did it."

Her eyes widened. "Oh. Oh." Then she pounced. "Tell me everything! I want to know every little detail! Was he good?"

"Woah, slow down. I'm not going to tell you every detail. And of course he was good, have you seen Don?" I raised my eyebrows and changed the subject. "But I didn't come over to talk about me. This is about your birthday! Which is coming up."

She looked reluctant to change the topic, but gave in. "Fine, fine. So, do you have anything planned so far?"

"No, but I have so many ideas." I pulled my birthday idea book out of purse and waved it on front of her face. "And this shall be the key to our success."

"You're so excited about this. My birthday is on August 18th. It's not even August yet. In fact, it's really not even close," she said, shaking her head.

"You have to plan early if you want a good venue, a florist, a cake-"

"I get it, but you're still going over the top with all of this," she huffed.

"It's all for my best friend," I stated. That brought a smile to her face.

"Fine? What's to do first?" She asked reluctantly.

I grin evilly. "Well... Do you want chocolate, red velvet, or vanilla cake?"

"Who do you think you're asking? Do you even know me?" she asks, shaking her head while smiling.

"I'll put you down for vanilla," I say, burying my head in the first page of a different, empty binder. This is going to be a fun month.

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