Stay safe

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Ok I hated the whole hunger games thing, I'm really sorry but I didn't have my heart into it so I'm writing a new story, I'm super sorry if you really wanted it, tell me if you did and I'll do it...anyway here we go with "stay safe".

I laid in my soft white bed next to my boyfriend Harry, it was warm with his body next to me and our red duvet over us to keep in that warmth. I was snuggled into his chest, listening to his heart beat. The only thing you could hear was out breathing and the low sound of the tv that we forgot to turn off, then I heard a faint alarm sound coming from the large flatscreen. Then the words came through...
"People of Y/T (your town) there has been an outbreak of a serious disease that causes the following, fever, chills, nausea, and even cannibalism, stay in your homes and do not I repeat do not try to interact with these things please be sa-" then a black screen, the power went out leaving a dark and silent house

I heard a loud crash coming from downstairs and jolted up in fear, I shook Harry awake and told him about everything even the crash. He got up and threw on some pants cause he was only wearing underwear, he grabbed a metal baseball bat and walked downstairs for a moment. I was sitting in the dark and all I could hear was the pounding of my heart.
A minute later I saw Harry come back with blood splatter all over him and he gave me a look and said "get some stuff together now" and I knew what he meant, I've seen lots of zombie movies.

I ran and grabbed all the things I would need like extra clothes, lady things, food, water, some medicine and threw on black jeans, black tank, and a red flannel and grabbed my black combat boots. I put my hair into a ponytail and ran to find Harry, I ran back to the room real quick to get a necklace he got me for Christmas and my moms ring and ran back to find him.

I found him in the the living room with his stuff, he walked up to me and grabbed my shaking body and looked into my eyes "Y/N we will be ok, we just need to get as far away from here as we can, here take this" he handed me a small Swiss Army knife, and kissed me and grabbed my hand, then we ran.

When we got outside we saw fire, people running and the infected which were unfortunately right near our house, we dashed to the car and threw out items into the back of the Range Rover. We were about to get in but as I stepped inside, I felt a hand grab my shoulder and pull me to the ground. When I looked up I was met with a torn bloody face a white eyes. I was struggling to get the thing off of me but it wasn't working then I felt it being pulled off of me and being killed by Harry. He pulled me up and I looked around, they were all around us.

He dragged me to the drivers seat and pushed me in "Y/N I have to get them away, I love you so much" he grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine and stayed for a second.

I had tears running down my face, he pulled away and yelled at me to drive and slammed the door. He started to run away and he brought the walkers with him. It took me a minute to take it all in but i finally got it together and started to car, I took one last look at his face and then backed up hitting a couple walkers in the process and drove off.
*****1 hour later******

I stopped the car and broke down completely, I was out of the city and in the middle of a dirt road. I cried and cried till I had no more tears left, I looked over to see his things gone, he must of taken them when he got out. I the turned around to see my city in flames and came to find out I had a few more tears.

I finally got myself to calm down and continued to drive.

After some hours I came to a old house and I saw some people bringing supplies in and I thought it would be a good idea to pull over and ask for somethings.

I drove over to them and shut off the car, I took off my seatbelt and opened the door and slid out of the car. A girl with brown hair looked over at me and she shouted "hey guys looks like we have an extra" the rest of the group looked over at me, the girl with a tear stained face and blood stained clothes from the walker hours earlier. A man in his 50's walked over to me and said "well hello there lil lady, you look shaken up, how about you come in and settle down, and you can join our group we don't have that many." He had a warm smile "sure that would be really great" I said and he walked me in. That's were I found the group that would keep me alive for years to come.

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