One-shots and short stories

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Hey everybody! This is, as you can probably see by the title, a book created for all my one-shots and short stories. I'm assuming it'll mostly contain YouTube pairings boyxboy, so if you're not interested back out now before it's too late >:). 

Anyways, this is where you come in. For this book, if I'm too lazy to think of ideas, I'll be taking prompts from YOU, well, if you don't mind, of course ^^;. So, you can just write a comment with your prompt and pairing, and when I have time, I'll get right on it!

Second of all, I ship ImmortalFox, but, if it makes you happy, I'll write whatever paring you please. SCManex, NovaHD, Jeamus, ANYTHING. :D Exciting, right?

Lastly, please remember that this is a book for me to write in when I'm bored, so it'll be updated whenever I please. Wether the chapters are weekly, daily, monthly changes to when I have free time, so, please,  don't pressure me to update. This is made so I can please you! But, it might take time to do that sometimes, so please bear with me.

So, yeah. Have any ideas? Post a comment with a prompt (you can ask for a songfic if you please) and a pairing and there you go! <3 Have fun!

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