Make it Out of This Alive- ImmortalFox Part 1

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This is episode 300 of Pixelmon Daily, by the way.

Sly watched as Aleks arrived in his view, sailing in his wooden boat, waving excitedly. He had missed him so much during the day he was gone, but now he was finally back.


“Hey!” the other called back, practically falling onto the wood as he bumped his boat a little too hard on the dock.

Aleks dusted his hoodie before being attacked in a sudden hug. The impact made him step back slightly to keep from falling backwards. He didn’t hesitate to hug his boyfriend back just as tightly, breathing the familiar smell he loved so much.

They separated themselves from each other before collectively leaning in for a loving kiss.

“I missed you,” Eddie whispered.

“I missed you too.”

 “Oh, look at what I got while you were gone!” Sly told him in an excited and proud tone, reaching for a Pokéball.

He threw it on the ground, making a big Zapdos appear with a large and ferocious squawk.

“Damn dude! How’d you find it?” he asked in awe as he walked around it, examining the rare Pokémon only few had the chance to see.

“Yesterday, in the forest during a fucking storm!” the other answered with a thrilled voice.

The other narrowed his eyes slightly. “And what were you doing out in a storm?”

Sly rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish teeth-filled smile. “Heh, sorry.”

Aleks merely rolled his eyes and walked to him, his arms folded on his chest.

“This is why I can never fucking leave Guam, you do stupid fucking shit when you’re alone with ‘TFU’. You shouldn’t do that, storms are dangerous in Guam and you sure as hell know that.”

“Aw, lighten up, babe! I’m fine, you’re fine; everything’s all good!” the Hispanic assured, giggling.

“Fine, I’ll let it slide just this once.”

Eddie giggled and pecked his cheek. “Thanks, babe.”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re fucking lucky I love you,” he muttered with a red face, looking off the side.

Sly laughed, lifting his chin up, forcing Aleks to look directly through his glasses and into his deep brown eyes.

“The luckiest,” he whispered with a loving smile, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

He pulled away and leaned his forehead on Eddie’s with a love-struck grin.

Out of nowhere, Eddie jumped and snapped his fingers in realization.

“I forgot to show you Mew, he leveled up so much since you last saw him!”

Sly grabbed Aleks’ hand and pulled him to the small hole where he had left his Pokémon last. Seeing nothing didn’t panic him at first, he simply let go of his boyfriend’s hand and jumped down to search up close.

“Mew, where are you? Come to papa!” he called out, looking into the small crevasses the overpowered creature could be hiding.

He looked around frantically, terror making his heart beat faster as he searched again. He heard Aleks jump down and help him look around.

“Mew?” Aleks called, his hands cupping his mouth to make his voice echo louder. “Mew?”

“Where is that motherfucking Pokémon?” he grumbled before gasping in realization.

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