Chapter 1

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hi guys!
sooo, i found this story written by xiao long (jingyu's ex manager), and i just wanted to share with you guys.
it would be too long to post on my ig... so i decided to write it here.
i think this story is quite interesting, and i dont know why but this story is sooo full of "yuzhou" hints!
well, i hope you guys would enjoy it as much as i did.
and im not sure whether i would continue to translate this story or not. pls tell me what do you guys think?
my main focus is of course addicted novel, and im doing this just for fun.
and this is just, rough translation, since im doing it alone, so pls pardon any mistakes!
enough with my rambling lol
for now, enjoy!
votes and comments are deeply appreciated!


(the beginning of the story that still has no name)

Lin was probably never even once thought that, since that day where Xu said "thank you, im leaving", 8 years has passed.

These 8 years, he has been asking to nearly everyone who has connection with Xu about his whereabouts, just to get a trivial answer like "he's living in japan now".

Lin has always been thinking, if that day he was brave enough to ask him clearly, would the outcome still the same, just like the song that was playing in his earphone, "supposed if that day, i said what i should've said clearly, i wasn't so stubborn, if only that day i.....", but he also thinks, he didn't regret it at all. his love, was separated by an ocean.

(8 years ago, at the empty school campus before the school terms started.)

Some times before Lun Xiao took his entrance exam, his mother brought him to old woman who is a fortune teller, she closed her eyes, rambling to lin mother and said: "i saw a sea, your son will go to school near the sea, furthermore in his 3rd year he will study abroad to a country near the sea. actually lin applied to an university inside the city."

Unfortunately, he was short 2 points on the exam, in the end he went to B foreign language university near seaside. And this university is located right by the sea.

Lin xiao has been independent since he was small. So when he heard about his acceptance from the university for the first time, he carried a big backpack on his own, and he went on a his journey.

Like most of other college freshman, finally he was free from his family's restrictions, and with his parents blessings, even though he was at loss but he was still so excited.

Lin has a fair skin, he has intellectual appearance, he would tell everyone he meets that he's 175cm tall when he's actually only 173cm. But he wasn't even short, his body is quite thin, he has long legs, so generally speaking his body just exactly right.

He went to one and another wrong road, the hot weather made lin's forehead and back sweating, he was lost for a long time because the campus is so huge, finally he saw a boy who was in the middle of writing something at the dorm's 4th floor.

He took a few steps happily toward the reception office, and he found an uncle dressed in security uniform.

"Hello, i want to ask if this is a dorm building for new student?"

The uncle seems to be just woke up from his nap. "That's right. But the school starts tomorrow. Why are you here so early?"

His question answered Lin's suspicion.

"No wonder i didn't see anyone even after wandering for long time." Then he asked again, "Uncle, im sorry but i came here one day earlier, can i stay in this dorm?"

He looked at his large and small luggages behind lin, then answered "You can stay, but tonight you probably would be all alone in this building. If you are not scared then just stay here."

Lin xiao laughed, "Doesnt matter to me uncle, im this big already, what would i scared of? May i have the key? I just saw over there, my room is at E building, no 805."

The uncle looked at his clear and firm gaze then laughed, "Okay. Then give me your acceptance letter and i'll give you the key."

When he got the keys, it made lin very happy, it was as if he worked hard for 20 years in beijing to earn money to buy a house. Took a closer look, it was just an ordinary key, but the key looks really special today.

The uncle saw lin was still wandering around the first floor with his bags even though he got his keys already, he popped his head out the window and asked.

"Hey, what are you looking for?"

"Uncle, where is the elevator? Why can't i find it?"

"Aiya.. This building has no elevator. You have to walk up there."

Lin xiao looked at the number 805 written by black marker on the key. Before, he never thought that the number 8 would felt this big before.

He immediately regretted he rejected his parent's offer to come with him. When he thought that he had to bring all his bags to 8th floor, his body already felt tired, his face expression darkened.

Lin decided to divide his bags into 2 trips. When he went up for the first time, although his body was soaked in sweats already, but he felt so refreshed, he walked through an empty corridor, a ray summer sunshine shone through the window, he walked towards the light, and he saw the blue sky white clouds, green leaves, he really felt happy from the bottom of his heart, because lin really loves the feeling of bathing himself under the sunlight alone.

When he finished moved his first luggage, the uncle told him "Boy, there is another student who came early today. He would also stay at the 8th floor, so you dont need to be afraid tonight!"

Lin wasn't happy when he heard about this news, he thought entire 8th floor would be his tonight but now suddenly a random person came.

The feeling is just the same like when in the childhood his treasured toys was taken away by someone else.

But at the same time, he was also curious about this person.

Because since he was small, Lin has always believed fate would brought people together, he felt that a meeting between people, all are actually God's plan.

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