Chapter 16: How to Succeed in Evil Without Really Trying

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      It was an ordinary day. I was helping Sticks pick beige-berries for her beige-berry pie.
      "No one at the pie festival will guess that beige-berries are my secret ingredient! Unless, one of these trees is a spy in disguise." Sticks says, staring intently at a tree. I sweat drop. "I'm onto you tree. You'll never get the recipe! Never!" Sticks screeches.
       "Sticks, I think you'll be ok. None of these trees are in disguise." I tried to reassure her. Tails then comes flying in on his flying car thing.
        "Hey Sticks, how's tricks? I see you're making beige-berry pie." Tails points out. I pop my head out from behind a tree and smile.
        "Hey Tails!" I say happily, waving my hand. Tails smiles.
      "Hey (Y/N)! I didn't notice you there." Tails says. I giggle slightly.
      "No problem! I mean, I was behind a tree." I reply. I then notice Sticks is having one of her moments.
       "I don't know what he's talking about. I'm taking you to live in a farm. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a few trees left to pick." Sticks says, mainly talking to the fruit. She is is weird sometimes.
     "Looks like the both of you could use some help." Tails point out. "Be right back." He adds, taking off in his flying car.
    'Oh, this might not end well...' I think to myself.

                      ~Tails's POV~

      As I flew back, I couldn't help but think about how (Y/N) has been acting. She's become a tad bit more outgoing and confident. I happy to see that she is making progress.
'But... if she learns about her past... will she fall right back to where she started? Will she no longer love me?' The idea of the second is unbearable. (Y/N), no longer loving me. That's a world were I would not want to live.
      I push the thoughts aside and focused on my work. At least this gives me a distraction.
      "Crab claw is connected to the Trap jaw. Trap jaw is connected to the Scoop ma. Scoop ma is connected to the positively charged resister coupling ion matrix." I say suddenly. (I think that's what he said).
    Ah, I love the last line. Oh, I should tell (Y/N) about the little song. I walk over to the power source and turn it on. Not enough energy, it seems.
      "Whoops, it needs  voltage. A lot of trees means a lot of V's." I say to no one. I then walk up to my other batteries. "Nope." I come up to a bigger one. "Nope." I come up to the largest I've got. "Nope." I look outside and see Sonic playing volleyball with himself. "Yup." 
      I then hook up my battery to the thing Sonic is running on. Sonic looks back at me.
      "Are you sure about this, Tails? You know how Sticks is about machines." Sonic reminds me.
"But this thing runs on natural energy. Yours. It's better than going green, it's going blue!" I cheer. This has to work, right? Sonic shrugs.
"Say when." Sonic says, starting to run on the exercise bike. He goes to quickly; the power is charged up too fast, so I can't stop it. It explodes.
"When." I say groggily.

~Your POV~

I continued to pick beige berries with Sticks when I felt a distant rumbling. Sticks fell off the ladder she was standing on and her basket fell on my head. I fall on the ground.
"Ow..." I mumble to myself. I look up to see a giant machine coming towards me. I use my powers to veer it off course, going right around me. I then look behind me to see it eating all the trees.
'Oh Tails... what were you thinking? This just might be Tails's fatal flaw... being to confident in his machines...' I think to myself, sighing out loud.
"Well, my work here is done." Tails says, starting to walk off. I put up an invisible barrier in front of him to prevent Tails from leaving. Tails bumps into it and falls on the ground. Sticks then pulls him up and glares at him.
"Your machine just destroyed the orchid." Sticks points out.
"Could be worse. At least you still have the berries." Tails says, trying to look on the bright side. The machine them smashes the berries up, spreading goop everywhere. Sticks looks at him angerly.
"What happened here?" Amy says as she comes running in with Sonic and Knuckles.
"Looks like Tails got himself into a 'jam.' Ha, get it?" Sonic asks, holding up his hand for a high-five.
"Not at all!" Knuckles says, high-fiving Sonic anyways. "I never leave a hog hanging." Knuckles adds. Amy walks up to Sticks.
"At least one tree is still standing." Amy try to cheer Sticks up. The 'tree' uncovered itself and ran away. I sigh, looking over at Tails. He just looks at me sadly.
"Why is it that I can never make a working machine without your help?" Tails asks me. My eyes flick around.
"This is going to be cheesy, but teamwork, Tails, teamwork." I reply bluntly. Tails sighs, but holds onto my hand anyway, swinging our hands back and forth.
Tails then pulls me away from the group. I let him lead me a ways away, but give him a confused look and tilt my head when we get there.
"Sorry, I just need to talk to you about something that's bothering me." Tails says, answering my unasked question.
"Ah, alright. What is it?" I ask gently. Tails's eyes start flicking to and fro as he started to fiddle nervously with his hands. This got me even more confused.
"I-I was just thinking if it was a good idea to learn about you're past. I mean, I think you should, but I also don't know if it is a good idea." Tails replies. Wait... why wouldn't learning about my past be a good idea?
"W-why do you think I shouldn't?" I ask, my voice dropping its volume. Tails starts to fiddle with his belt.
"I've noticed how you finally broke out of your shell and... well... what if you don't like your past? It was only 3 years, so I guess I don't know why you wouldn't... but what if you fall right back into your shell? Become shy all over again? What if... what if you don't love me anymore? What if you break down?" Tails replies. I cut him off before he can continue.
"Tails. I'll be fine. Relax. Besides, why do you think I'd stop loving you? Where did you get that idea?" I try to reassure him. Tails looks into my eyes.
"I mean... you're so pretty and there's so many guys that seem to like you... and I just think... that I don't stand a chance." Tails explains. I look up at Tails and kiss him softly.
       "Tails, don't ever go around thinking I don't love you. I'm not even able to find a time where I don't love you. Tails, it's impossible for me not to love you, even if you mess up. I can only hope that you feel the same about me." I say gently. Tails gives me a small smile and a tight hug.
         "I'm happy to hear that... I also think that, if you want to find out about your past more, we need to talk to Eggman. He seems a little to familiar with you. It's strange, especially since he's scared of you. I mean, you are someone that people should be scared of... I don't mean that you scare me! It's just-" Tails starts to say.
        "Tails, I understand what you mean." I say, cutting him off. Tails sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "If we need to talk to Eggman, then we'll talk to him. Just make sure you can still contact Sonic if we get captured. Right now, though, we need to focus on the problem at hand. My past can wait a bit longer." I explain.

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