Who are you?

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(No one's P.O.V.)
As Y/N walked to the living room, They saw a bit of a smiling face. It was much like the Cheshire Cat but it had red eyes and blood down it's teeth. (A/N GET IT? I MADE A NEW CREEPYPASTA!) As they backed into the kitchen, They backed into Jeff. He then said, "I don't think this is the time to be awake. Why don't you..." He pulled a knife out and held it to Y/N's neck. "GO TO SLEEP?"
(Your P.O.V.)
As he said his last three words and put a knife to my neck I fainted. I woke up into my dark bedroom. "W-What happened?" I said to a Masked figure. The figure's mask was dark blue and had a black hoodie. "YoU'rE sAfE fOr NoW." It said in a disembodied voice. I looked around to see Link? It can't be Link. He's a video game character! I was so scared I felt like crying. I let a few tears roll down my cheek. A girl that looked Terrible whipped it away. "my names Sally." She said softly. I sighed and looked at the blue masked creature. "My name is Y/N... Who.. What are you?" I said. Sally didn't hesitate to answer. " this is Eyeless Jack or EJ. 'Link' or BEN is over there. And Jeff was the gentleman that made you pass out." She said. I shook hands with BEN and EJ. They seemed nice. Then we heard a scream from my neighbor's.
(To be continued!)

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