Chapter 1: Tempest

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened~Dr. Seuss

Nightmares aren't dreams. They're something that can ruin a person forever. Nightmares also happen in real life. Like this nightmare I've lived with for the past 10 years. My parents died when I was seven. My older brother ran off, leaving me behind. I started to wander on my own and into an ally. A man grabbed me by surprise and started to touch me. Then he beat me and left me there, naked and beaten up. A woman passed by and I was taken to a hospital shortly after. The doctors were surprised I was alive. I was then put into foster care. I hated it. Every time I went into a foster home, I was either sexually abused or beaten to the point where I couldn't move for weeks. I went from foster home to foster home until I was fifteen. Then I ran away from the foster system. They tried finding me but they couldn't. I was to fast for them. When they got really close to finding me, I'd always run further. I'm never going back there.

I walk in the pouring rain while heading through a new city. I believe I'm currently in Memphis, Tennessee. I have a strange feeling about this place. It feels like I've been here before.

"Hello?" I hear a female voice call. I ignore it and continue walking. "Do you need help, stranger? Please let me help you." The voice calls.

"I'm fine but thank you." I hear footsteps heading my way in a fast pace.

"Please, let me help you." I can sort of make out her features in the dark. She has dark hair and light green eyes.

"Dang, your like a hemorrhoid aren't you?" If y'all don't know what that is, its a pain in the butt. Literally. I get this girl is trying to help but I've told her to leave me alone.

"I'm Nichole Harper. You are?" Yep, pretty sure she's a pain in the butt.

"Not letting you help me, that's for sure." I start walking again but she grabs my wrist again. I turn around and glare at her but she doesn't give up. I then sigh in defeat and give her my name.

"It's Tempest." I say. "Nice to meet you, Temoest. Come on, follow me. You can't be out here all by yourself." She speed walks us under an awning and takes out her phone to dial a number.

"Give me one second." She says. The phone rings and she starts to talk.

"Hey, mom. Can you come get me? I'm bringing a friend over. She needs a place to say." She says eyeing me and looking back at the street. "We're at Yvonne's. Yes ma'am. Okay. Love you too. Bye." She hangs up and puts her phone in her back pocket

We stand there in silence waiting for her mom to come pick us up. It starts to thunder and I jump. Ever since I was little I've hated thunder. My mom would always calm me down by hugging me and singing a song. It would also help me fall asleep in this kind of weather.

"Here's my mom." Nichole says. A black Nissan Sentra pulls up and the window rolls down.

"Come on, girls, lets get you home." The woman says. I follow Nichole into the car and it's a silent ride to her house.


"Come on, Tempest, I'll show you to your room." Nichole says. I follow her up the stairs and head down a long hallway. We stop in front of a door and she gestures me to open it. She leaves and I look around the room. Its pretty much a basic teenage room. White walls, a twin bed with blue sheets, a white desk with books and a computer on it, a closet, and many other common things. I put my bag down and I throw myself on the bed. It's been 2 years since I've been on a real bed. My eyes start to grow heavy and I try to fight back the sleep. But the thunder keeps me awake. I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight. Not unless I hear my mom's voice again to sooth me. But, my mom is dead. That's not going to happen. I hear something rustle in the room and I lean up.

"Go to sleep, my princess." I hear a husky male voice say.

I bolt up from my bed and look around. "Who's there?" I ask.

I get no reply. What the heck was that? I search around the room and I find nothing. I must be hearing things. I sigh and I hear another rustle. I look back up. "Hello?" I cautiously lay back down and I fall asleep.


I walk down the stairs the next morning. My hair is messy and I probably have bags under my eyes. For my first sleep in an actual bed in two years, it didn't go so well. That mystery dude was in my mind all night. The voice definitely did not sound familiar. So it couldn't be someone I know.

"Hi, Tempest, how'd you sleep?" Nichole's mom walks in.

"Like a babe." I lie. So far, I may seem like a really bad person, but I'm totally respectable in other people's homes. So I didn't want her to know I had a terrible sleep.

"That's good, tell me if you need anything." She says and heads to the kitchen. I follow after her.

"Actually, I have a question. Is your house haunted? I thought I might've heard some voices last night." She gives me a strange look. She must think I'm crazy.

"Maybe. I don't know. I'll look into it. If you could, please go get Nicki for me please. Breakfast is almost ready.'' She's not telling me something. I know it.

"Yes ma'am." I run upstairs and I knock on Nichole's door. "Hey, Nichole. You're mom says breakfast is almost ready." I say.

"I'll be down in a minute, go on without me." She says.

I head back downstairs and hear her mom speak to someone.

"Prince Adam, you've got to be more careful. You can't talk to her yet until you Turn her."

"Don't tell me what to do. I'll decide what I can do and what I can't do with her. All you need to do is watch her for me." The male voice from last night says.

"Okay, your highness. But if she sees you, you know what's going to happen."

"I know, Ashley. I'm making sure she doesn't see me."

Are they talking about me? Better yet, who is Prince Adam and what's his deal?

Hey guys, so this chapter is finally uploaded. I hoped y'all liked it, please comment, vote and keep reading.


Lauren and Violet

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