Chapter 3: Bristol

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(I am so sorry this is late! I have been super busy this past year and I've had a lot going on)

Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you get when you don't even try. ~Jack Canfield

"Have fun at school." Ashely says. This morning she had everything ready for me. She headed to the store last night to grab some supplies. Nichole couldn't seem to sit still and was grinning ear to ear.

"Nichole, what is your problem?" I ask, finally.

"Nothing, I'm usually just a happy person." She smiles.

"I can tell."

We get out of the car and we head to the front doors. "Mom made it so you had some classes with me so you won't be alone and then other classes we can walk together." I am so confused on how all of this is done in one day.

"I have a question. . . How did you guys get this all set up over night? Does your mom just magically have school supplies for people you take in? Did she come to the school last night and just say she wanted to enroll me?"

"My mom did an online enrollment and she had extra school supplies from the beginning of the school year. If I ever needed any other supplies like more pencils or paper or in case my book bag ripped, she had extra." She smiles. "But you will need to fill out your middle and last name. Mom never asked you." She heads to the front office and I follow behind her. She opens the door and lets me in.

"Hello, Ms. Harper. How are you today?" The man at the desk asks. He looks like Adam.

"I'm great, Mr. Daniels. I believe my mom enrolled my cousin last night?" She looks at him quizzically. We had came up with a plan this morning that I would be Nichole's cousin and that I was staying with her and her family for a while.

"Yes. I believe this is Ms. Bristol?" He asks. "Yes, sir."

He looks straight at me. "All we need is your middle and last name and you are good to go."

"Why do you need it though?" I ask. I really don't like saying my full name even though I basically get my middle name from my mother. Just saying it brings up memories of her.

"Just so we can identify you. You never know, there could be another Adrienne in this school." He chuckles a little bit. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just wondering." I sigh. "It's Bristol Lyanne Clarke." He types it on the computer and print two sheets of paper out. "Here is your schedule, your school I.D. and your map of the school, but I am sure Ms. Harper here will help you around school."

Nichole smiles. "I sure will. She's in good hands, sir." The principal smiles at the both of us then looks at me. "Alright, Ms. Clarke, you are all set to go. Welcome to Rosewood High School."

I nod my head. "Thank you, sir." I turn around to face Nichole. "Come on, Bristol." Nichole grabs my hand and leads me out of the office. "We have Zoology first. Mrs. James is a really good teacher."

Nichole leads me down the huge halls of the schools. I haven't really been to school in a few years. I self-taught my self a lot of things so I would know a lot of things and wouldn't be behind. Nichole stops in front of a door to open it and leads me in.

"Welcome to class, Nichole. You're late." The woman, I'm assuming is Mrs. James, says.

"Sorry, Mrs. James. I was helping my cousin around." Nichole scoots me forward. Mrs. James looks at me and grabs my hand.

"So you must be Bristol Clarke, welcome to my class. Since you are new, why don't you tell us a little about yourself." I shake my head. "What's wrong?" she asks.

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