Chapter 2

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   Evalyn's POV

 Few of us survived the attack and the group members in our base prison where all dead or where they? It seemed like when the bomb hit everything was dead, now it looks like only us humans and animals where up again and walking.It was as if liquid death only destroyed buildings and some plant life, "how could this be?", we went under ground a missile hit and only destroid buildings.

 The prisoners started following us, they didn't do anything but follow. It was insane, they just ate Rodney one of our survivors. "So that leaves the three of us" said Clover. We grabbed more ammunition and a shit ton of guns, we where headed to the N.R. camp in Northern Russia it would take a while so we grabbed as much suplies as we could.

   Alex's POV 

 We took a boat to went to the Atlantic ocean from there we traveled north, to canada and went through a passagway made for trade between Asia and America. The journey wasn't easy. When we got to canada we had so many questions about what was going on. Before the nuke when one of my few friends, Nicko, died it was horrible. Now it was worse I kept seeing people that reminded me of him.  Was it was him?

 I decided it was just my mind playing tricks on me, and i just kept stearing the boat. We where almost to Canada! it loked like the life there was completely unharmed. The people waved to us and even started to shout to us, they loved us is what we thought. The question came up though, "Why weren't they affected too?" Clover asked. We didn't want to hold off the expodition to Russia, so we layed the question aside and continued. We where running low on food so me and Evalyn volunteered to go to shore with some gear and Clover volonteered to stay.

   Clover's POV

 When they left I started to regret staying but i was well protected and so where they. They knew how to fight too, so I didn't get worried. There where still people chanting for us. It was an awkward chant, but it was deffinetly a chant for us. While i was on the boat I looked at how much gas was left in the boat. We only had another miles worth of gas left i really hoped they would bring some gas back. I saw a pair of people in the distance i didn't know if i wanted to approch them yet, because of the war and all, so i waited there. I wondered what Alex and Evalyn would bring back.

   Evalyn's POV 

 While we where there we decided to get some fuel for the boat, food, ect. When we reached a gas station, we stole 4 gas containers and hoped that would be enough for the trip. We grabbed some food, vitamins, and other first aid supplies from the store. When we got back Clover was half a mile away from us, so we had to walk.

 When we got to the boat Clover asked us what we got on land. I made a joke and said, "Some exercise, food, gas, and first aid kits." We unloaded our things we filled up the gas tank, and where on our way.

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