Chapter one

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Today is the best day, it's the day I get to be an actor. I'm the lost princess who needs saving.
Where's my bag and shoes? I thought I set them next to my desk, maybe not. Hm, if I were a bag and shoes where would I be?
"Emily hurry up or we'll be late."
"Okay mom I'll be down in a minute!" I replied to my mom.
Ahh there's my things. As I was walking out of my bedroom I saw the sky, it was dark and gloomy. The weather man didn't say it was going to ran? Hm, whatever.
"Sorry I couldn't find my bag and shoes." Emily said before sitting in the car.
I was actually looking forward to good weather today, I wanted to go to work with my mom after school to see the animals. As we where passing a small farm we noticed all of the animals laying there not moving, even the birds dropped from the sky.
"Mom what's going on? Why are the animals like this?"
"I don't know hunny, I'll ask around when I get to work." Mom replied.
As I started to walk into school it started to rain, then hale a little. It was February so it wasn't hard to believe it was haling, I just wish it wasn't. Today is February 25, 2038 the last day of school until break and our last day of practicing our play.
"Good-morning class, today we will start out with Math then move our way into Science. We will not be having English due to practicing the play. I hope you all invited you families tonight for the play!" The teacher said excitedly.
I know this play is important to Mrs.Bruneau because we've been practicing this for almost a month.
It was time for lunch but I wasn't really hungry, all I could think about today was all of those animals laying there on the ground not moving. What if they're poisoned? Would we get poisoned too? I have to stop thinking about this our ill be to worried and mess up on the play. As I started to take my lunch bag out of my bag I noticed it was getting worse outside, the winds were stronger the rain was harder. I don't think I want to walk home today, I'll have to call my mom at the office.
"Look! Look! It's snowing black!"
"Woah! So cool!" My classmates said while looking outside.
I don't think it can snow black. I'm getting scared maybe Jonny will come get me early, I hope he can. As I started walking to the office to use the phone I heard sirens throughout the school. Kids were screaming and crying, I started to run faster to the office. As I picked the phone up I saw Jonny run into the front doors.
"Jonny? What are you doing here?" I said sniffling.
"There's something going on Emily, we have to go mom and dad are waiting for us!" Jonny said as he took my hand.
We ran out to the car and noticed there was more smoke and sirens. Maybe it's just some tornados or forest fires. As I opened the car door I felt the ground rumbling I got scared and tried to hurry to get into the car. All of a sudden the road in front of us cracked and things started to fall into the hole.
"Jonny what's going on I'm scared! I want mom!"
"I know Emily, I know." Jonny replied while hugging me.
As we where driving a car swerved right in front of us causing us to crash into a building. I have to get up, get up Emily come on I kept saying to myself. As I was trying to get up I noticed I was bleeding from my head and my stomach, I had a sharp pain coming from my back and stomach.
"....Emily don't move, you'll be okay!" A voice said.
I couldn't figure out who it was but it sounded like Jonny. Why is he telling me not to move? What's wrong with me why am I in so much pain? I kept thinking to myself until I fell into a deep sleep

Ugh what happened? Where am I? Where's Jonny, mom, and dad? As I was getting up I noticed I was in my moms hospital, I had a wrap around my stomach and back. Maybe I got a piece of glass stuck or something, I can't worry about that I have to find my family. Argh, it hurts to move but I need to find my family.
"Jonny!? Mom! Dad!? Where are you!?" I walked around screaming.
What was that!? Should I go look? If I do what would happen!? I'm so scared I'm shaking.. I grabbed a metal broom while walking towards the banging noise.
"Hello? Who's there?" I said nervously.
I stopped and couldn't move I was so scared tears were falling from my eyes. My chest dropped, it felt like someone lassoed my body and started pulling it to the ground.
I started to walk closer towards the noise, as I got closer it got louder. I was right next to the room that was making the noise.
"Whoever's in there say something!" I screamed.
No one said a thing. I counted to three before I barged in.
"1.......2........3!" I screamed as I barged into the room.
But no one was there, it was just two pots clanking together. I started to laugh, I was scared of two pots making a banging noise. As I was laughing I remembered my family was still missing. First I need to find my way out of this place, okay there's the front but it's blocked off. Where's the other exits? Here's one! Okay I just have to move these things, wait..  What if it's like the zombie apocalypse? What if Jony, mom, And dad are dead? What if I get killed? Okay Emily, think positive not negative. There is still a 50 percent chance they're still alive, maybe there aren't any zombie's to begin with.
As I was moving the wheelchairs and crates away from the exit I noticed there was a note taped to a desk. I wonder if it was from my parent?! Or maybe even Jonny!! As I snatched the note off the desk I opened it to read an I love you letter to my moms friend Beth. I can't believe I got my hopes up. I'm never going to be able to find them, there are so many places in this town! I can't do this without my mom!  I'm only 10, I can't do anything on my own.
Ahh wait my daddy was a General in the army, he taught me everything to know in surviving.
That sounds like a dog? I've looked everywhere in this hospital and I couldn't find anything thing. Where is the barking coming from though?
"Hello? Doggy? Come here!" As I screamed for the dog.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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