Chapter 14: Revelations and Realizations

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Fakir looked at the sheets. The sun would be setting soon. He only had a few more minutes of daylight.

Could these be the notebook sheets he was missing? A simple feather as his only explanation to how they got there...

He took them from the window sill. Here it was. The answers he was looking for...hopefully.

He read on.

So when the Sorcerer appeared on that fateful day, he found the Knight, once again, looking for the Princess from afar, hoping to watch her dance by the lake.

The Knight was surprised by the caped man's appearance, and immediately drew his sword on the man. The Sorcerer however smiled. He told the Knight that he meant no real harm, but wanted to aid the Knight, for he knew where his Princess was.

He pointed to the girl, a white figure-ette, in the trees. The knight looked and was surprised to see her own attention, her own watchful eyes eyeing something else in the forrest.

"That my boy, is the Prince. She dances for the Prince. You're love is a one sided lie. She is but a delicate Swan in your midst, only fit for a Prince. You could never really find love from her could you? She has spotted another, just as you have spotted she."

The Knight tore his vision from the scene. It was a lie. A Sorcerer's trick. His Prince was a fragile Prince. He knew not of the Princess of the Lake. He had been spending his time with a girl who'd taken a fancy to the prince. He took out his sword and looked at the mysterious man.

The Sorcerer took off his cloak and revealed his moonlit haired self, and played feeble leading leading the Knight slowly closer to the Princess and the truth in hopes of finding his weakness. He sneered, playing innocent to the Knight's accusations of trying to lie and deceive him.

The Knight grew mad however, and knew the Sorcerer's plansmust be to get close to the Prince! Or maybe even his Princess! So he took it upon himself to bring the first blow, suddenly and unexpected by both, fueled by the anger of the Sorcerer's plan for deception, lunging forward with his ever legendary sword when-

He saw the Princess.

Midway in his attack.

She is staring with doting eyes at the Prince.

Eyes he'd once stared at her with.

He felt his heart break.

When he looked back to the Sorcerer. The Sorcerer was not injured. He was not destroyed by the Sword's blade. Instead the apprentice was standing where the Sorcerer was. The son of the Sorcerer, who had taken the blade for his father in his last minutes of lunging.

The Sorcerer became enraged. Dark clouds cover the sky, and he threatened to kill the Princess in for killing his son! The Knight once again takes out his sword, and blocks the Sorcerer's attacks, proving his sword can do much more than be used for fighting, but defeating dark magic.

If he could not have his Princess, he would protect his Prince at the least. His mind would not falter from his task, because of the pain in his chest.

The Sorcerer fells short, unaware that his plan had only enraged and strengthened the Knight with the power of a desperate man and a broken heart. The Sorcerer had no time to send more of his black magic at the Knight before he felt the pain of becoming sliced in the shoulder. He felt the pain. The Knight's swored was true. His powers draining with the blood of the injury. The Knight retracts his sword, and tells the Sorcerer to leave the Prince and Princess alone.

The Sorcerer looks up in anger. No the blow was not deadly, no the sorcerer may not have had all of his powers, and no he may not have expected the Knight to be so livid about his broken heart...but the Sorcerer could do this.

He promised to leave. But he also used the rest of his powers to curse the Princess. He also promised to return one day. To punish the Knight for his careless deed of killing his son, and to do it to the person he'd always love most.

Before the Knight could draw his sword, the Sorcerer chanted his last curse before disappearing into a smoke of darkness and as the curse rippled through the kingdom, with the Knight's heart, the legendary sword shattered.

Your triangle of love has caused you pain,

But the blood of my dead will cause you no gain,

You wished to watch your lover dance,

But you nor she will ever have your happy romance,

For I will return and the vengence I seek,

Will take my power to it's peek,

But until that day comes,

You will not rest,

And your graceful Princess will become,

A a clumsy Duck at best.

Fakir closed dropped the pages in shock. A Duck. The Princess turned into a DUCK?

Ahiru was a Duck... and she was Princess Tutu...then it meant a different thing but now...did that mean Ahiru was meant to be a human Princess, but was a duck because of a curse that was set up in this prologue?!

He grabbed the book in a quick rush, and looked to the spot that the pages were ripped out. There must be more...more...something that could-

And there it was. Written a page after...begging for a continuation that Drosselmeyer knew about and probably had them acting out as he read...

"For every prologue there is an epilogue, waiting to be written..."

He understood it now. A prologue for the story of Mytho and Rue. Mytho was the Prince. Rue was the girl who took his attention. Ahiru was Tutu and the Duck. The Knight...well it must have been him. He swallowed hard. This had more to do about him than he thought. The Sorcerer was...well he had no answer for that yet.

Autor had told him that Drosselmeyer based his writing on plays and ballets. He wondered if this Epilogue, and its abundance of swans had to do with Swan Lake or something. The Raven was the main story, but now...the Prince had a Princess that wasn't the Princess of the Lake. If the Sorcerer was back for vengeance...Tutu or Duck could be the target...

The swan feathers.

The ballet obsession.

The black and white swan.

Ahiru's night and day personality.

He turned to the script of Swan Lake he'd borrowed from the Library.

A dark twin who'd fooled the Prince. A black swan. A princess who was both a Swan and Princess.

He could admit at the least that Princess Tutu was like the Swan Princess in the sense her attire, her background on the lake and her ability to dance the Pas-de-deux to save Mytho that time was incredible. His ideas seemed far fetched though. He felt as if he didn't know enough about what was going on to really know.

But was Ahiru really Princess Tutu...Ahiru hadn't been herself lately, and the swan feathers seemed to show acts of evil and kindness. Black feather. White feather. Black Swan. White Swan. The White Swan had saved him. The Black feather was dark, magical and appeared when his notebook had been torn. Too coincidental.

He had to talk to Ahiru. The Ahiru that he'd danced with and talked to in the evenings seemed more herself anyway. He looked outside. It was night time now, and either he was crazy or Ahiru would be herself now that she was away from the pressures of dance studio or Director...and he at least new this much.

He had to tell her his theories.

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