Chapter 17: From Fast to Slow A Hundred Black Swans And One Sharp Blow

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Fakir watched in horror as the hundreds of swans started to dance swan lake. Each of them mirroring the others in a midst of hundreds, all out on the open grass under the dark sky, before the husk of the forrest trees and reflective lake. How could he tell one from the other? What difference was there?

He ran. Swiftly, keeping an eye on each one.

He ran with Ahiru under his arm, hoping one would stick out. Hoping Ahiru might recognize her Yin. Ahiru was going to loose all chance of being herself again, of escaping the grasps of Drosselmeyer's story. A human. Now she'd be stuck a swan if he didn't find the Yin...he wasn't even sure if he could be happy with that...but his selfish thoughts needed to be pushed away.

What could make one stick out from the other? Their feathers were the same ebony black, reminding him eerily of the raven-people. Their long necks were the same length. Their wings the same. What could make a true difference?

He looked at Ahiru, who too, even as a White Swan, was staring intently at the mass group of swans, as if she too could pick out her evil twin. Refusing to give up. Her blue eyes darting from black dancing swan to swan.

Her eyes.


He wondered, if Yin was taking the image of the person it was mirroring, than this swan too would likely have the same blue eyes as Ahiru. Not nearly as life-like and caring, but the color...would be the same sapphire color.

To be honest Ahiru's eyes were the bluest of blue he'd ever seen. He might be able to pick that out. He wove in and out of the birds, desperately looking, one from the next. Brown, hazel, green, blue...but not blue enough...mahogany...goldish...purple...He saw every color but not hers.

Soon, he felt as if they all blurred together. No matter how many eyes, it was as if he'd been looking at every black swan but her Yin's. He'd only gone through half or less of the group...that seemed to go on forever. He wondered how long of the night he'd already waisted.

"Hurry young Knight, the sun will rise soon, and all of your efforts will be for nothing." Kuro watched amused, entertained by the failure that Fakir was seemingly guaranteeing.

Fakir felt the sweat dribble down his forehead. He began to worry. But he couldn't. He had to keep calm, straight of mind...he couldn't miss the blue eyes...he couldn't for Ahiru's sake.

He kept moving, faster and faster, darting from eyes to eyes. Swan to Swan. Black to black. Feather to feather.

Fakir looked to the horizon, the sun's first few rays could be seen. Soon it would be over.

He looked. He was almost at the end, when he had a quick flash.

The quickest of jolts in his mind, and he turned around and stepped back a few steps. He swore he saw blue. The blue of Ahiru's eyes against the blackest of feathers.

The sun set.

He saw her.

He heard the Sorcerer yell in triumph.


Fakir didn't hesitate.

He took his sword, and for Ahiru's sake let her out of his grasp.

He brought it above his head.

And destroyed the two blue eyes that had destroyed Ahiru's few days as a human.


Black Magic.

He had not failed.

He had not killed an innocent.

The Yin became what she originally was.

A Spell.

A Trick.

And he waited for a small moment.

Waiting for the Sorcerer to strike.

Waiting for the sharp pain of the Dagger.

The Sun had set.

At least Ahiru could be free.

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