M.E.L.L ~1~

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Hi kittens and puppy's this is Sweet Me and Brittani,

We hope you will love our book together and tell friends about. We will appreciate it if you will vote for our book as well as comment. But enjoy the first chapter! bye lovelies.


As I got up, when my alarm went off I headed for the shower. I turned the water on, and I stripped out of my night clothes which was simply my undergarments which include some shorts. Once my water was hot and steamy I got in. Dried blood went down the drained as it came from my body that my parents did from the previous night.

So my name is Checker Irine Cortez. I have red hair & black hair that went to my back, and my eyes we grey with gold specks. I had a curvy body, and I was 5'0 on the dot. My skin was pale, and I had three snake bites, nose ring and a belly ring. If you haven't noticed, I'm emo. As you see, I get abused by my parents and my older sister makes it worse when she lies about me to them. The only one that's there for me in my family is my oldest brother Dian. He's emo too. I know what you guys are wondering, 'why are they emo?'. Well before you judge, every person has a story to why and what they are.. including emo's.

I got out the shower with a towel wrapped around me and headed back to my room. I went in my dresser and took out some black undergarments and put them on. Then I headed to my closet and took a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a purple tank (that shows a little bit of stomach- belly rings) with a black and purple checkered vest, with some black heal combat boots that has purple strings. I put them on and made sure I tied the string on my boots. I put my bat man belly ring on and my made sure my snake bites we clean and such. I put my dark eye-liner on, and a little bit of make up and was finished.

Then my Galaxy phone ranged which signaled I had a message from my brother.

Bro- I am out side waitin. hurry b4 mom nd dad wake up.

Me- Im on m way

I put my phone in my big black bag, and tipped toed out my room to downs stair front door and closed it lightly which made no noise. I let out a relief sigh and walked to Dian's car and got in. Dian was waiting, and once I was in the car he pulled off.

"Morning" I said.

"Morning baby sis." he said with a smile. "How are you?" he asked, basically talking about last night when my mother and my father beat me.

I refused to let the tears fall so I took in a deep breath. " Im fine." I said wanting to change the subject. He nodded slowly and we pulled up at our school. We got up, and we spotted our group (also emo's) by Jasens truck.

"Why hello beauty and beast." Jasens says and I smiled.

"Hey Clarah, hey Shaylah." I said walking over to them.

"Hey Chica." Clarah said giving me a hug and I winced at the pain of my sore body. She let go immediately and gave me that look that's says she's sorry.

"Hey Check." Shaylah said giving me a softer hug. After she let go she stood in between Jasens leg. Shaylah and Jasen are a couple as well as my brother and Clarah. Me on the other hand was single. There wasn't really anyone for me.We talked, laughed and played around until the first period bell ranged.

"Shit, I forgot to go to my locker, i'll see you guys in first period." I said to them. They all nodded and I walked away. When I got to my locker, I put my stuff away and got the stuff that is needed and closed it. When I turned around I was surrounded by my older sister Mariyah and her clones. "What Mariyah?" I asked hoping she would leave me alone.

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