I'm not saying 'go vegetarian' or 'go vegan' but ever since i turned vegetarian I've felt so much better, my body and my mind, and after over a year of being vegetarian i decided to step it up by going vegan, I've been vegan for a couple of days now and already i feel 10x better than i did before, i get less out of breath when running or doing any form of exercise and I've had a better outlook on my body. I've also started to work out for 5 to 10 mins after school in my room, i've never felt better- and to know that i'm not only helping myself by doing this, i'm also helping the animals that have no voice on this planet and the environment. It annoys me when people say 'its impossible to vegan' when it's not- many famous women and men are vegan and even a lot of body builders are, so i dont see how its impossible.
Things people say that annoy vegetarians/ vegans:
1)"You wont get enough protein."- Erm no, there are literally TONS of protein filled veg and beans.
2) "Caveman ate meat, so why don't we?"- They also clubbed women and dragged them back to their caves. Not so sure we should be making ethical choices based on what people may have done over 100,000 years ago.
3)"You wont make a difference, there's no point."-It will to the approximately 33 animals you spare each year. And with millions of vegans around the world, think of how many more we'll save.
4)"But meat tastes good."- That's literally the only reason people eat innocent animals, the only good thing about it is that it is rich in protein and calcuim (which you could get from 100's of different foods).
Animals raised for food require massive amounts of grain that could be fed to the one billion starving people around the globe instead. Additionally, pollute air and waterways, and generate high volumes of dangerous methane gas. Eating meat is responsible for more than 60% of the worlds pollution.