Chapter 6

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Niall pov

I can't believe these fans. They are always following me and getting in my personal life.

I love my fans so much but if they just backed off at times it would be so great.

"honey there is someone here to see you" the doctor said.

"ok" I said

"Niall what in the world is going on!!" Simon my manager screamed

"I broke my arm and I have a concussion" I said.

" so now you can't perform for what a couple of months" simon asked

" yes he will be out for 3 months " the nurse said.

"GREAT" Simon said leaving, shutting the door really hard.

I can't belive this.

I hope Emma is ok.

Emma pov

I hated seeing him in the hospital.

I felt a tear drip down my face as I was pushing to get best the crowd. It just was not fair.

I called a taxi.

After a other 20minuted the taki came.


I paid the taxi man when I got home.

I went into my dorm.

Julia was laying on her bed with her laptop.

"so how was your date, birthday girl?" she said not even looking up.

"he-e is in the hospital" I stuttered to say.

I laid on to my bed.

"it will be ok, what happened to him?" she asked.

I explained to her what had happen.

"Emma he will be out of there in the next day or so and trust me knowing you he will be fine with all the love you give him" she said

"thanks" I said.

I was still so worried

A/n poor Niall

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