Chapter 3- The Arrival

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I groaned and leaned against the uncomfortable seat. I felt my face and sighed as I felt a huge indent from the metal.

Mom shook my shoulder again, causing the indention to dig deeper.

"I'm awake!" I whispered raspily. She smiled apologetically and said, "The plane landed."

Immediately, I sat up and looked out the window. It looked like it was the afternoon, but the whole sky was gray with fog, so I couldn't be sure.

"What time is it?" I said. "3:00 PM." she said. Suddenly she perked up and started spouting a random stream of happiness (unfortunately directed in my direction).

"So we'll eat lunch with whoever picks us up, and then they'll drive us home and you can meet Mrs. Lansing and-"

I sat back and let her ramble about "what fun we're going to have!" and "how much you'll love your room!"

A flight attendant with a tight bun and wide smile came around to collect our trash and Mom pulled down our baggage from the storage area. We passed by a boy who looked about 15 with a small girl his age snuggled against his shoulder, and a quick pang of longing went through me. I swallowed, fighting back tears, and leaned against an empty seat to regain my steadiness. I kept going, walking up the lane, the beat of my footsteps thumping in my head like a heartbeat.

Suddenly, a buzzing ache spread up my body from my feet. I gasped in shock and pain. My vision started clouding over, but right before I completely blacked out, I heard a chilling voice echoing in my mind: Harry's.

I could barely hear what the words were, what with my fading consciousness and all, **********

We walked down the plane's aisle and exited into the fresh air. I hate the smell of airplanes. All that stale air that's been breathed in and out so many times it's practically a solid thing.

"How are we going to know which car it is?" I said, scanning the area.

"He said he would call." Her phone started buzzing and she looked at me in a "speak of the devil" kind of way. "Will you answer? I've got to throw this cup away." I picked her phone up.


"Mrs. Huntington? Um, I should be there soon. I'm exiting the... wait... okay, I'm here. Look for the...uh...large black car." He sounded embarrassed.

"Are you Harry?" I said curiously, looking for the car.

"Yep." He said absentmindedly. "Wait, is this-"

I cut him off by gasping at the sight before me. "OMG, do you have a limo?"

The shiny black vehicle pulled up right next to us as I gaped and clicked off the phone. Mom laughed at my expression and dragged the bags over to the car, obviously already knowing it was coming.

My pulse sped up at the sight of a curly-haired guy stepping out of the car and walking around to help her, and not in a good way.

I tugged my hood down even further so he couldn't see my eyes and nodded hello. I handed him my own bag and slipped into the car quickly. I ran my hand admiringly along the nice leather and squeaked in surprise as a deep laugh vibrated through the car. The curly-haired boy turned around in his seat. Is he a frikin' vampire? How did he get in here so fast?

"I'm not sure we've properly met," he said, and I looked away from his piercing gaze.

"I'm Harry."


"I'm Andi." she said, without a trace of the hoped-for suggestiveness I was looking for.

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