Five- going home and moving in

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I wanna quickly say thank you to everyone who is enjoying this story :))))

Luke's pov
"Thanks for everything" she said. That was really sweet. I should said thank you at the time but I wasn't really thinking "what" I said. "Thanks Luke" she said again. "Emma you know I'm always here for you" I replied. I could see her smile at this... I smiled too.

We were silent for quite a while. "Hey I have some news" Emma said. "Good news?" I asked. I mean if it was something horrible I wouldn't want it too much by surprise. "Of course. I'm moving to my own house.. Or flat really, it's like ten minutes away from my dads house and it's really nice"

"Emma that's amazing" I said "I have to see it" Emma moving into her own flat was great and I really wanted to see it. "You can help unpack if you like, I'm moving in like a week before your before your birthday party" she said. "So in a week then and I will help you unpack just so I can poo in your toilet" I said. Obviously the poo thing was a joke but I was trying to be funny, it worked because she started laughing.

"Here we are" I said pulling in next to her & her dads house. "Thanks Luke, for letting me stay at your house last night and for driving me here now" I let out a nervous chuckle and looked down at the floor "you don't have to be, that's what friends are for" I said. I looked at Emma and I could see a sign of hurt in her eyes "yeah...friends" after she said that I realised what was wrong.

I had friend zoned her. "But your not just my friend Emma, your my best friend" I saw the smile reappear on the face "I have to go now" she said. We leant in and hugged each over, she was my best friend of course but I wish she was more. :(

As she walked into her house I drove of back to my house, alone.
But atleast I'd see her when she moves into her new house :))))

When Emma moves into her new house:
Emma's PoV

New house oh yes. I have Luke and cherry coming around later which I couldn't wait for. Especially if I could see Luke, he is so cute.
Ergh Emma again, stop thinking about Luke like that your best friends and that's all.

Those thoughts aside, I had my dad with me now and we were moving things upstairs. (I had very little furniture btw) "dad I think we just have the beanbag, some food and a few more boxes to get and we're done" I said. And we did that. All the things from my dads car had been taken upstairs, the only thing now was to Organise it all. "How about we take a break, and you can organise your things with your friends" my dad said. That sounded like a good idea as my friends were better home organisers than him. "Sure dad there's some biscuits in one of these bags somewhere" I said.

As he went off to look for the biscuits I got a call from a number that said 'no caller ID' oh god who's prank phone calling me now. "Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. The person breathed loudly "you have seven days.." The voice said from the phone i recognised the voice. "Luke is this you?" I knew that was his voice. "DAMNIT" he said. I laughed "how long until you're here?"

"Um about like 5 minutes" he replied. "Okay cool see you then"
We both said bye then hung up the phone. Then I got a text from cherry saying her mum Made a surprise visit and she couldn't make it :(😫 which really made me sad.
Hello, it's me
Hey I'm sorry it's taken a week for this story to go up I just have been busy (what an original excuse I've never heard that before) and didn't really have time.
Also I wanted to make this chapter longer than usual so yeah... That happened

Luke's finished filming tdoab which means he can make more YouTube videos woohoo
Bye guys😜

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