part 2

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  Pete lay wide awake in bed that night.  Your words kept replaying over and over in his mind.

  "I plan to tell Patrick there.  I have been planning this for months."

  "(Y/N)." Pete whispered.  He loved saying your name.  "She doesn't love me like that.  She never did."

  He wasn't angry at Patrick.  He could never be angry at one of his closest friends.  Pete was just...jealous.  Tomorrow, Patrick was going to hear the words that Pete had wanted to hear for years.

  Pete dreamed of you that same night.  He was at the park with you and you told Pete that you loved him instead of Patrick.  He also dreamed about the wedding.  Pete was the happiest man in the entire world.

  Sadly, he woke up and realized that it was all a dream.  He had plans to go out to the store, but he decided not to go.  Pete thought it would be better to just stay home and be filled with sadness and jealousy.  He knew it wasn't the best thing to do, but he couldn't think of any other option.

  "(Y/N)!  Over here!" Patrick shouted.  He was waiting for you under the biggest tree in the park.

  You ran over to him.  "Hey, Patrick."

  "Hey (Y/N)."

  The two of you talked for a few minutes.  Your heart was racing the entire time.  When you thought it was a good time to tell him, you took a deep breath.

  "Patrick...I-I love you!" you blurted.

  He looked over at you.  His eyes were wide.  "What?"

  You took another breath.  "I love you and I've always wanted to be your one and only.  C-can I?"

  Patrick frowned and you felt your heart sank.  You weren't prepared for this.

  "I mean... I've always been wanting to tell you this for a while.  It just didn't come out like it was supposed to."

  He stood up and helped you up.  "(Y/N), I'm sorry."

  A tear rolled down your cheek.  "Will this ruin our friendship?"

  Patrick shook his head.  "No.  Listen, I can't go out with you because there's someone who's wanted you more than anything else in the world."

  "Who?" you asked, drying your tears.

  Patrick grinned.  "Pete."

  Woah!  Okay!  You were not expecting that, but realized that Patrick was right.  The way Pete acted around you, the way he got sad when he found out that you liked Patrick, he really does love you!  Suddenly, you realize that you loved him too."

  "Oh my gosh..."

  Patrick nudged you.  "What are you waiting for, (Y/N)?  Go to him!"

My Favorite "What If" - Pete Wentz x reader (REQUESTED)Where stories live. Discover now