chptr 1--me & my pal

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Hi, guys. My name is Darcy Milligan. And before you ask, no i'm not harry styles kid!! boy do i wish i was but I'm not which totally sucks ugh. But anyway, I feel so honered that my name is the name Harry wants his kid to be named. I'm so happy and soo many people are jealous. Like seriously?! Who the heck is named Darcy!!

Well I am so deal with it. I have a crazy friend named Perrie. And you might be thinking "wait is she Zayn's girlfriend??" Uh, how I wish!! ugh. But no, shes just an ordinary girl named Perrie. Alot of people are jealous for her name, espeically Zayn fans.

As you can probably tell, I am a big-AND I MEAN BIG-fan of one dee. Most people call the best band ever One direction but I like to call it one dee.

I'm in love with Niall too so yah.

Right now, Perrie and I are eating lunch at school. I hate school so much but whatever.

"hey." Perrie said as she sat down. We usually sit alone and we are right now. I say hi back.

"guess what??" i asked her with a happy face on.

"DID YOU GET ONE DEE TICKETS????!!!!" she asked excitedly. Everyone in the lunch room stared at us like we were crazy, and I guess we Are. We are even at the top list of crazy people at our school.

"Clam down no i didnt!! whAt makes you think that? Thats like impossible to get." i told her.

"then what do you wAnt to tell me?! i won't be interested anywAy since its not one dee tickets, so..." perrie trailed off.

"okay, then. As i was saying before you interuptted me... My mom is leaving for a week and you know that i don't have siblings and my dad died a few years bAck and I'll be alone so you wanna stay for a few days?" i took a deep breath. Wow i talked a lot.

"YAY!!!! OKAY HOW MANY DAYS?!!?" man was she happy.

"a week" i said while grabbing my water bottle out of my one dee lunch bag.

girls, this lunch bag was for like ten bucks at h-e-b so get it now!! its really worth it, directioners!!

"really? where is she going!"

"cali for a vacation alone. i dont know why she wont bring me" i said a little upset that i won't get to go to Cali. I live in Washington.

"ok i'll be over. when?" Perrie asked, jumping up and down.

"this saturday. Just two days after this day." i said.

"kay kay," she Said and began to take a bite of her shiny red apple.

so guyz this is my very 1st story eva so pls comment and tht junk. pls tell me how i did 2!!!!!!!

vote, comment, fan!

thx guyz <3

emmie xxx

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